Sunday 23 July 2017

Time flies!

Today has been like a replica of yesterday! I took Sophie to work and then carried on to the shop where Jonathan was already unlocking.

We had a very busy day and luckily the time has flown by. I washed a load of glasses that had been returned by one of the pubs we supply and while they were washing I emptied loads of boxes of paper into bags to be shredded. Jonathan managed to put a pallet and a half of wine away, which was great and in between all this we served customers. I also picked all the orders for the deliveries tomorrow and I have quite a few!

At the end of the day we each took a bottle of opened Champagne home with us which I enjoyed with a slosh of Triple Sec as I found it a little dry. We sat and played cards for a short while before Keith cooked dinner of Enchiladas.

The weather has been a real mixed bag again today with heavy showers and very interesting skies! Some of the rain clouds have looked like towering palls of smoke so at least the gardens have benefited from all the moisture!

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