Monday 17 July 2017

An unwelcome visitor

I had a long day ahead of me again today and was working with just Jonathan until 7pm. Sophie started work at 9am this morning so I took her in and sat with a coffee for half an hour. When I arrived at work, Jonathan was already there so the plan to discreetly do my make-up in the car went out of the window!

I did a couple of deliveries first thing and arrived back at the shop at midday. The weather today has been beautiful and the temperature has risen steadily all day until it reached about 27c in the afternoon.

We were very quiet and there wasn't any wine to put away so it was quite a relaxed day. Jonathan and James did a lot more changing around yesterday so the wine was a lot easier to get at than normal! Just before we were due to shut we had a dodgy person arrive who looked high on drugs. He sported a black eye and appeared very dishevelled, which was a bit worrying. Luckily, Jonathan dealt with him and followed him around the shop until he decided to leave, thank goodness, but it did bring it home to me how we can sometimes attract the less than welcome customers!

I drove home at 7pm and sat with a drink talking to Sophie and Keith before we had a late dinner. Tonight it was "starters and desserts" so not a lot of preparation at all. I'd made a chocolate bread and butter pudding yesterday morning and it just needed to be finished off in the oven and served with cream. Delicious!

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