Wednesday 31 December 2014

Highlights of 2014

I like to look back on the year and pick out the best days. This year has been a little difficult, I must admit! We seem to have spent far too much of our time worrying about the business as it's probably been our worst year due to the extended summer and the weather that, even in the winter, has stayed dry and sunny. With that and the sale going through it's a year I won't look back on with affection.

There were, undoubtedly, some highlights, with our holiday in Florida being one of the best we've ever had, and the drive down to the Keys will stay with me for a long time. It's sad that we didn't get to enjoy the lovely summer at home as much as we should have done, but business was terrible because of it. Hopefully next year we'll be in a position to enjoy the warmer months to the full!

I predict a lot of changes happening in 2015 and I do wonder what the early days of the year will bring...I'm hoping and praying that the sale will finally go through and we get some time to think about what we're going to do next!

Here are the best days of 2014:

Wednesday 15 January - my Birthday!

Wednesday 26 February - an afternoon of indulgence where we had tea at Beckworth, followed by treats at home.

Sunday 9 March - a lovely Spring day spent pottering about in the garden and enjoying the early warmth!

Saturday 5 April - Sophie's birthday so a trip to Market Harborough and dinner out in the evening!

Friday 30 May - Day 1 of a weekend break in Wales and a lovely feeling to be free for the weekend!

Sunday 1 June - Our last day in Wales and a lovely walk!

Sunday 27 July - An afternoon drinks party with Champagne and caviar!

Tuesday 26 August - a fabulous trip down to Key West and a great meal to round off a lovely day!

Thursday 4 September - our last full day in Florida and a fantastic sunset on Anna Maria Island whilst enjoying dinner at The Sandbar restaurant.

Saturday 25 October - a day out in London with the girls and tea on the Thames!

Thursday 27 November - a flight to Berlin, a wander around a Christmas market and seeing Ben Howard in the evening!

Wednesday 24 December - a lovely start to Christmas with a frosty walk first thing and then a very pleasant shopping trip to Market Harborough.

I'm going to sign off early and wish everyone a happy, healthy and fantastic 2015!

Tuesday 30 December 2014

A bit manic!

Today has been very busy at work, which has been a huge relief, especially as we did more than the comparable day last year. Phew!

Although we were busy we had plenty of staff in to help and Sophie and I managed to get away at 5pm and go home. I had a soak in the bath and then it was time for a wee dram and a sneaky watch of Desperate Housewives while Keith cooked dinner (and grumbled about it!).

It's been another gorgeous day with clear blue skies, lots of sunshine and a hard frost that's stayed around all day. I'm not very happy that the weather is due to change on Thursday, the only day I have off and when we try and get out to celebrate the New Year. Oh well!

Monday 29 December 2014

Back to work!

I really wasn't looking forward to going back to work today, but I'd had five days off, so I couldn't complain!

However, when we arrived at work to find our gates still closed I suddenly remembered that our cleaner had booked this week off...that meant we had to do the cleaning this morning, which was a bit of a shock!

Mum and Dad arrived about fifteen minutes after us and we all pitched in to get everything done. Keith called in as well and helped out by putting the chairs back around the tables so by 9.30am we were all done. Not the best starts to the day, though!

We had a pleasantly busy day, which was a bonus. Sophie and I managed to get away at about 4.30pm and went home to relax. It's been a bitterly cold day today with frosty paths and roads that haven't melted at all. Tonight is due to be another cold night so it was lovely to curl up on the sofa with a blanket and watch Desperate Housewives!

Sunday 28 December 2014

Out in Jazzy Jim...

First thing this morning I treated the children and Keith to a McDonald's breakfast (well, Keith just had tea) as I needed to get some diesel from the Tesco store in Kettering. Mikey stayed at home but I took him a bacon roll and after he'd eaten it we drove him to Brixworth in Keith's car, our little Honda Jazz.

The idea was to then drive down to a large industrial estate on the edge of Northampton so that Sophie could get some practice driving the car. She'd christened it "Jim" and it was the first time she'd driven it properly. Keith sat in the front with her while I put the "L" plates on the car and then climbed, very nervously, into the back. I'm a terrible passenger, even with experienced drivers, so I had no idea how I'd handle being in the car with Sophie as a learner driver!

We set off very gingerly and she was fine, if a little nervous on roundabouts. As it was a Sunday the roads were extremely quiet and we only saw the odd car and just one lorry. We drove around for about 45 minutes and then we called it a day, thinking it was a good idea to end the session on a high note rather than prolong the driving and have Sophie make a mistake!

After we got home, we all did very little for the rest of the day. Today has been gorgeous again with clear blue skies and lots of sunshine, but it's very cold and tonight is supposed to be the coldest night of the winter so far!

Saturday 27 December 2014

Is it Saturday...or Sunday?

I was determined to get out of the house today as although yesterday was lovely and very relaxing, I couldn't do it every day!

I asked Sophie to come up with somewhere to go because every suggestion I made was met with disapproval. In the end we decided to go to Beckworth Emporium for lunch, along with what seemed like hundreds of other people! We rarely have to leave the car in the overflow car park, but today we did which gave us a hint as to what the place would be like inside!

We queued for about twenty minutes to get a table in the restaurant and we had a great view of the ice-skating rink, with loads of people moving in perpetual circles, their breath clouding in the bitterly cold air. One young girl was obviously a pro as she glided effortlessly around on the ice, doing little twirls and skating backwards. Both of us secretly wanted her to fall flat on her face as she was showing off a bit in front of some hopelessly bad skaters and I asked Sophie what it was about us Brits that hated show-offs?!

Sophie had a chicken sandwich while I settled for some pate and toast and very good it was, too! After we'd eaten we avoided the Christmas section where the decorations were being offered at 50% off (huh!) and bought some food for the hungry birds.

I contemplated driving somewhere else but I was low on diesel so we went home  and just as I was sitting relaxing, Mikey called to ask me to pick him up from Brixworth where he'd been all day.

In the evening Keith and I decided to return to Brixworth to go to The Coach and Horses pub, somewhere that had almost been our local over twenty years ago when we both lived in Northampton. When we moved to Walgrave, we never went back!

First impressions weren't good as there was an all pervasive smell of dirty bodies and fustiness and the place looked like it hadn't been decorated or changed in any way since we'd last been in (we'd had my 21st Birthday meal here, so you can imagine how long ago that was!). There were a group of youngsters at the bar who obviously had been there for a while and although they weren't rude, one of them was extremely drunk.

The lounge bar was empty apart from us and the party of young 'uns, and a television played to itself in the corner. Behind Keith a fruit machine flashed and dazzled us and I asked Keith if we could just have the one drink and go somewhere else. It had not been a good choice! The pub was tatty and down at heel and I wondered what on earth had happened? This used to be our favourite place to go!

We finished our drinks and went back to The White Horse, but we'd both forgotten that there was a special "12 Nights of Christmas" meal going on and the place was packed to the gunnels. Our neighbours, Sue and Paul, were sitting at the bar and we chatted to them for a while before moving to our seats in the window as I seemed to be in everyone's way!

After just the one drink we headed home, Keith and the children to have turkey curry while I had a prawn one (leftover from our Christmas Day starters!). After dinner we watched the first episode of Top Gear's adventure in Patagonia - the very controversial Christmas special!

Friday 26 December 2014

A very relaxed Boxing Day!

Early this morning, before we had breakfast, we called into work to make sure everything was OK and I put a load of food down for the birds as it was a bitterly cold and overcast day. Very different to yesterday when we had blue skies and sunshine!

When we got home we decided to go out for a quick walk and went the same route as Christmas Eve, down the track to the Nature Reserve and back again. There were quite a few walkers about and we kept seeing a little robin all the way back. It must have been a different bird, but it was lovely to see! The fields were a mixture of sombre greys and browns and so different from the other day when the sky was a brilliant blue.

When we arrived home I made some breakfast and a cup of coffee and from then on we did very little which was lovely. I watched television in our bedroom for a while and kept falling asleep (I have a nasty tickly little cough as well) and then went downstairs to make a cup of tea which I laced with some whisky. Keith and I watched the traditional horse racing and then I went back upstairs to lie with Sophie and watch some more TV. We wrapped ourselves up in blankets and Keith shouted up to us as it had started snowing!

As I write, it's still snowing but not settling that much as we had heavy rain beforehand. I really hope I don't get called into work tomorrow to clear away the snow in the car park!

Thursday 25 December 2014

Christmas Day

I was up at about 8am this morning and looked forward to seeing my family open their presents, even though it took some persuading to get them out of bed!

The children were really pleased with their gifts, but unfortunately, Keith didn't like the jacket that Sophie and I had spent ages looking for...I was a bit upset, to be honest, but we agreed to take it back to M&S and buy him what he wanted. After all these years I still find it very difficult to buy for him and next year I've resolved to just give him the money and he can go and buy something he wants!

Mikey disappeared upstairs and then came back down to say that his Play Station 4 wasn't working, which was wonderful as we'd bought him two new games... To cut a very long and tedious story short, we discovered it was his TV, after trying it on the living room television and our bedroom TV. When we pulled the furniture out to connect all the wires, I nearly died of shock when I saw the dust! This meant that instead of preparing for my parents coming around later in the day I was hoovering and cleaning behind the chest of drawers in our bedroom! Luckily, for some reason, we managed to get the TV working so Mikey was extremely happy! Later we heard that they'd been a problem with the Play Station network so that might have been the cause.

I took Keith to the pub and while he was gone I made a loaf of bread and started to set the table in the conservatory. I collected Keith who was walking down the village street as he guessed I wouldn't want to come into the pub...and he was right as I resembled a bag lady!

Back at home I cleaned downstairs, finished setting the table and peeled the potatoes as Keith had done the rest of the veg in the morning. We put the turkey in at 3pm and then I sat down to relax and play with my Tesco Hudl that Keith had bought me.

My parents arrived at 5pm and by then I'd had a bath, washed my hair, put some make-up on and dressed in a pair of black trousers and a pretty top, so I was feeling a bit better! Unfortunately my Dad upset me slightly when he came in and I warned him not to wind me up - I hadn't had the best of days!

Before the meal we opened our presents to one another and Sophie and I were delighted to be given tickets to see Ben Howard again in Birmingham, in April! Woohoo!

We had a lovely meal and it all went very well, which was a relief after the disasters of the day. We ate our starters at 6pm (pate or prawn cocktail) and then had the main event at about 7.30pm. We decided not to go with the mashed potatoes or the Yorkshire puddings as we felt there was more than enough food on the table and after Sophie and I had cleared away, we all sat in the living room and played Devilish Dilemmas, which got us all laughing and enjoying ourselves.

The evening was rounded off with either chocolate gateau or Christmas Pud accompanied by a sweet Greek wine and then at 10.30pm my parents departed into the night and I collapsed in a heap on the sofa!

It's Christmas!

I'd like to wish everyone who reads this blog a very Merry Christmas and hope you all get everything that you wish for.

I know some people read this blog every day and I'd like to say a big thank you for reading all about my, sometimes, very boring life! I will post more tomorrow about our shaky start to Christmas Day when things didn't really go according to plan!

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve

Today has been a lovely day, with gorgeous weather - a perfect Christmas Eve!

Keith still feels terrible with his cold and had a lie-in until 9.30am. In fact, I was the only one up and enjoyed two hours of peace until the rest of the household awoke. I made a sausage sandwich for three of us and then Keith and I went out for a walk down the track to the Nature Reserve. The sun shone out of a clear blue sky and it was so lovely to feel its faint heat on our faces as we walked.

We walked for almost an hour and then turned for home. Keith was beginning to feel more awake as the Night Nurse tablet he'd taken yesterday evening had knocked him out!

After we got back, Sophie and I drove to Market Harborough and had a good mooch around the shops. We had a drink in Caffe Nero (I had a warmed mince pie with cream...delicious!) and then I bought another couple of presents and called in to see Duncan and his merry band. Sophie bought herself a bottle of Rose while I chose a red wine from the Greek Island of Paros to go with Christmas dinner tomorrow. As Mum and Dad love this island, I'm hoping they'll be pleased to see it on the table!

We drove home in the dusk and spent the rest of the evening relaxing. Our film choice was The Day After Tomorrow and then we had a buffet for our evening meal. Keith had bought a little too much but it was lovely nevertheless and at least we won't go hungry over the next few days!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Day of the squirrel

When Sophie and I arrived at work this morning we saw four squirrels in the grassy area surrounding the car park. I'd never seen so many, so word must have got out that we are a "good thing"!! I put down lots of food today as I won't be in for the next couple of days, although I might try and drive in on Boxing Day with some leftovers for the wildlife that visits us every day.

Keith came into work this morning to accompany me to the bank. I was truly dreading paying the takings into our bank as I imagined the shopping centre would be heaving with people, but as always in these cases, we drove straight into a space and I hardly had to queue at all! Typical!

Sophie and I left work at 3pm and went home. As we drove along one of the country roads a squirrel dashed across in front if truly has been a squirrely day today!

Christmas has now started as I am off tomorrow until Monday 29th December. Yippee!

Monday 22 December 2014

Sad days...

The journey into work this morning was so much easier than it normally is! No traffic and the travel time cut in half because the schools are on holiday!

We were quiet-ish at work, but opening on a Monday is a bonus anyway so we were grateful for anything we got today! I elected to go to the bank this morning and then Booker to pick up our turkey crown, which was a big mistake...

As our bank is situated in a large shopping centre, it sometimes makes it a bit difficult at busy times and this morning, trying to get parked was an absolute nightmare. We made one circuit of the whole car park and then I said to Keith that he'd need to take over the driving while I ran inside as I was rapidly running out of time to get to Booker and then get back to work to do the wages.

If things weren't bad enough, the queue in the bank was horrendous and I resigned myself to a long wait. Luckily, Keith appeared as he'd found a space and then went off to his own bank, which was empty!

I waited 30 minutes to be served and then we rushed off to Booker to get some stuff for work and to pick up our bird. The wholesaler wasn't too busy, thank goodness so I was able to get back to work and take over the payroll from Mum who'd started it for me. Phew!

Sophie and I managed to get away at 4pm and went home where Keith was languishing in the bath, still feeling awful with his cold. As we were watching a funny episode of "Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em" the phone rang and it was my Mum to tell me that my Uncle Alan had died. To say it was a shock was an understatement as he hadn't been ill. He'd died of a heart attack and I felt so sorry for his wife, my Aunt Pat.

After I put down the phone to my Mum I went onto the internet and discovered the terrible news about a bin lorry in Glasgow going out of control and killing six people. What a terrible, terrible thing to happen so close to Christmas. It just brought it home to me that we should all make the most of every day and live life to the full.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Subdued Sunday

I was looking forward to not doing a lot today but somehow my day ended up busier than I thought it would be!

I dropped Sophie off at work, bought the Sunday newspapers and went home to have a late breakfast. The weather has been lovely again today with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures. I still have geraniums flowering in my garden from the summer!

Sophie wasn't needed at work past 3pm so I went to collect her and we drove to the new Waitrose at Wootton to pick up the two after dinner games I'd ordered from John Lewis. Predictably, the store was busy and the garden centre even more so when we called in afterwards for a cup of tea. I resisted the urge to buy more decorations but I did see a pre-lit tree covered in glass pendants that was a snip at £6400! We sneaked a quick look at the fish and went outside to see the Koi, one of which is happy to come up and be stroked. He's gorgeous!

When we came out of the garden centre we saw the most fantastic sunset which was lovely as today is the Winter Solstice. Near home we stopped to take some photos but the pictures really didn't do the gorgeous colours justice as the sky was a mixture of oranges, reds and pinks.

Back home we lit the candles in the fireplace, I poured myself a Whisky Mac and we sat and watched Elf!

Saturday 20 December 2014

More entertainments!

I had a bit of a lie-in this morning as I didn't get to bed until 1am last night but there wasn't much chance to loll about doing nothing as Sophie had a hair appointment at 11am and I was her driver.

I spent a relaxing half hour sitting reading "Hello" magazine while she had her tresses chopped and then it was home to a late breakfast (I'd still been full from last night when I woke this morning!) before dropping Mikey off in Brixworth and going on to Market Harborough for a final shopping trip.

The weather was sunny and dry but there was the usual nasty little wind blowing through the streets of MH which made us glad of our coats. The town was a lot busier than normal (well, it is the last weekend before Christmas) and we couldn't find a space in our usual car park so we parked on a space on the road which gave us two hours. More than enough time in my opinion!

We headed to Caffe Nero first for a hot chocolate and then popped into Waterstones to have a look at the books. Even though I love my Kindle I still love browsing in bookshops and I bought a volume about Witches in Northamptonshire. It looks fascinating!

We mooched about the town visiting Monsoon, a little independent bookshop that was completely empty and Joules where I went into shock at the price of Mens' underpants...£35 for three pairs!

Our last port of call was Duncan's where I bought a bottle of white wine, a half-bottle of Greek dessert wine and a special Belgian beer for Keith as a stocking filler. The shop was busy with people buying their Christmas wine and spirits.

We meandered home and I helped Sophie clean the downstairs of the house as she was having some friends around in the evening. Keith and I were also facing an evening of entertainment as we'd been invited around to Mum and Dad's house for an informal meal.

Sophie's friends arrived at 5pm and at 6.30pm we walked up to the pub for a quick drink. The place was packed out but we found a seat around a barrel and enjoyed a couple of drinks before walking up to Mum and Dad's house. Their friends, Garry and Gloria, were already there and it was great to sink into my parents' sofa and sip a sparkling wine before dinner.

We started with delicious prawn cocktails and wine wine, followed by a very spicy Chilli con Carne and rice. Dad had added a sauce for those who liked it hot, and boy was it!! Phew! Our lovely meal eneded with a slice of chocolate gateau and coffee.

After the meal we relaxed in the living room and had a good chat. Garry showed us his new camera which had cost a fortune! He's been a photographer all his life and had taken shots of some very famous bands in his time. I had a good look at his camera and was very envious!

At almost midnight we waddled off home through the dark country lanes and arrived at a house that wasn't as noisy as I imagined!

Friday 19 December 2014

Bah, humbug!

Sophie and I spent most of the morning out and about and I made more inroads into my Christmas shopping. We visited the local shopping centre which was heaving with people and then we took Mikey's headphones back as they were only working on one side... We'd decided to give them to him before Christmas as the pair he had weren't working at all. I bought him another pair along with a few more little stocking fillers and then we headed back to work for the afternoon.

However, there was one more place I wanted to go - Booker's! I bought Keith a case of beer from the children and treated myself to a bottle of Port and a bottle of Stones Ginger Wine, a vital ingredient in a Whisky Mac! Well, it is Christmas! We chatted to some of the staff in Booker who were working over the festive season as the wholesaler is only closed on the 25th.

Luckily we weren't as late at work as I thought we'd be so we were able to leave at 4pm and go home. I wrapped some presents and then had a bath before Sophie made me up for my outing as Ebenezer Scrooge! She applied lots of wrinkles to my face and we sprayed my hair grey which caused a lot of hilarity in the household!

I dressed in black trousers, a white shirt, black jumper, scarf and hat and Keith said I looked great! He drove me to Lynda's and I was the first to arrive. Lynda couldn't stop looking at me and laughing so I'd obviously done something right! She was dressed as an Elf and looked great!

Fiona and Andrea arrived and there was more hilarity as Andrea was dressed exactly the same as Lynda! Fiona looked fantastic (and quite sexy!) in a Christmas pudding outfit!

We started our lovely meal with an aperitif made from Raspberry liqueur and Prosecco, accompanied by olives and melon wrapped in Parma ham. Lynda then called us through to her dining room where we had a delicious starter of different types of fish in a cheesy sauce, along with German Rye bread and butter. I want the recipe! Lynda served a gorgeous Italian Pinot Grigio with the meal which went down really well with all of us.

For our main course we enjoyed a Kerala (Indian) curry of chicken with brown rice, Sag Aloo, Naan bread and onion Bhaji. Everything was beautifully cooked and very tasty.

Before we ate dessert Lynda brought out a fantastic after-dinner game called Devilish're given two choices in a scenario and have to choose one or the other. The game had us all in stitches and I thought Andrea was never going to stop laughing...Fiona and Lynda were also helpless with laughter...

It was such an enjoyable game (and something the kids have fun asking!) that I'm determined to find it so we can all play it on Christmas Day!

Lynda served a very indulgent trifle for pudding which was absolutely delicious. None of us had any room for her Italian cheeses and I passed on the Colombian coffee and Turkish sweetmeats. I just didn't have any room!

At midnight, Keith came to collect me and when we arrived home we had half an hour of relaxation before had been a fantastic evening!

Thursday 18 December 2014

A spot of Christmas shopping...

It's been a busy day today with a lot of driving about!

The morning sped past and at 2.30pm Sophie and I left for the day as she had a doctor's appointment in Guilsborough and then we were off to do our Christmas shopping in Milton Keynes. We waited a fair time to see the doctor and afterwards I decided to head to Junction 18 of the M1 rather than backtrack all through Northampton. It was a good decision, despite the roadworks between Junction 18 and 16 and the traffic being very heavy indeed.

The approach roads to Milton Keynes were busy with the rush hour traffic and I was very glad when we found a space in the multi-storey car park and I breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, we couldn't hit the shops until we'd had our fix of coffee and a little cake in the Costa outlet in Waterstones!

My first job was to buy Keith's present and he'd asked for a coat or a jacket. I scoured Debenhams and found one that was OK, but I wanted to look in M&S before I finally decided. I was glad I did because after looking at virtually every coat in the shop we finally agreed on one that I thought would be perfect!

After buying the coat we went off to Boots where I bought some stocking fillers for the children. The shopping centre was very busy indeed, much busier than this time last year and it was more like a Saturday. From Boots we called into River Island where Sophie bought some presents for her friends and then John Lewis which was packed with people, frantic looks on their faces as they searched the shelves for appropriate gifts. The checkout queues snaked their way around the store so we fled outside to a small stall-holder selling cheese. My friend Lynda is a cheese fiend so I bought her a gift pack of assorted cheeses and I decided to add a bottle of wine as well. I hope she'll be pleased!

We made our weary way back to the other end of the shopping centre and Sophie called into New Look while I sank down onto the stone seat outside to wait. By now it was quite chilly and I could feel a cold starting...Huh!

We had a quick look in Debenhams (I steered Sophie firmly away from the Mac concession) and then it was back to the car and the dark journey home. Keith was making toad in the hole for tea, and with a glass of Malt whisky to try and chase away the beginnings of my cold, I felt a lot better!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Out and about.

As it was another quiet day at work today Keith, Sophie and I went off to Jones's in the afternoon to get some more lights for the conservatory as the ones we had in there died. The Christmas section was looking a bit sad as they were starting to clear away the decorations already!

I bought some new lights, some bird food for home and work and a pair of headphones for Mikey as a stocking filler and then it was back to work to send out some cards before the post went. We left for home a bit earlier than usual and fixed up the new fairy lights in the conservatory which pleased Sophie! It was lovely to sit in there for a little while and see them twinkling in all directions!

Dad called to ask us to give him a lift to the mechanic's in Broughton and when we got back we decided to go to the pub in Old for a drink. We walked up and as we left it started to rain which wasn't very pleasant! Luckily I had a scarf with me which I pulled over my head and I managed to arrive without looking like a drowned rat!

We spent a very pleasant hour sitting in our usual spot in the window and having a good chat. Keith's cough seems to be on the mend now, which is a relief. He always seems to get a bad cough in the winter and it drags on and on, probably due to a very bad bout of bronchitis he had about twenty years ago when he refused to go to the doctor!

When we arrived home we had to set about the dinner immediately - we'd hinted that Sophie could help by peeling some potatoes for the fish pie, but our hints had obviously fallen on deaf ears!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Getting sorted!

As if the school run in the morning isn't bad enough, today a lady in a 4x4 aimed for me and it's a wonder she didn't hit me! I was on a mini roundabout in the village, indicating to go right and I had right of way. This particular woman just kept on coming from my left and it was only me slamming on my brakes and glaring at her that prevented her from hitting my car!

She certainly kept her distance from me after that and must have known she was in the wrong. Phew! I'll be very glad when the schools break up on Friday and I don't have to make this journey every day!

We had a very pleasant morning at work eating chocolates and I sent out e-cards to all my Facebook friends who I don't see on a regular basis. I subscribed to Jacquie Lawson's fabulous website where you can send e-cards and download Advent Calendars for the festive period. If only Christmases were really like her cards and calendars...they're so beautiful!

As we were quiet, Mum, Sophie and I went off to find an outfit for Friday night. We went to the costume hire place I'd used before but I was astounded at the prices - £25-£40 for a costume I'll never wear again! We left hurriedly and went to another shop on the Wellingborough Road in Northampton. As we parked the car Sophie had a brainwave...why not go as Scrooge! It would be very apt!

I bought a black top hat, some old-fashioned glasses and some black gloves in the shop and I'll wear my black trousers, boots and a borrowed shirt from my Dad. With Keith's black jumper and a scarf I should look the part and Sophie will draw some more wrinkles onto my face!

With that problem sorted we headed back to work but left at 3pm. The idea was to go for a walk but Keith wanted to wait until Mikey arrived home from school. His coat, that he'd ordered weeks ago, had finally been delivered and Keith wanted to see what it was like. It was OK, but certainly not worth the long wait as it had been sent direct from China!

We didn't therefore set out on the walk until 4pm and it was getting very dark indeed. We abandoned the idea of going into the Nature reserve and just did the usual loop instead. I discovered that I don't like walking over the fields in the dark and it made for quite an unpleasant outing! Next time we'll just stick to the village!

It was Mikey's last night at Army Cadets before Christmas so we'll have two weeks rest from driving him to the meeting. Yippeee!

Monday 15 December 2014

A walk in the dark...

After a busy day at work (we scrubbed one of the floors as it badly needed it!) I went home to get Sophie to go to the gym but she wasn't keen. I suggested a walk but she didn't want to go so Keith and I walked down to the village instead. It was cold and clear and we had a great time looking out for Christmas decorations and peering through windows! We are so nosy!

To be honest, the village wasn't as festive as I thought it would be and most houses were shrouded in darkness. Bah Humbug!

We walked for about 45 minutes so I felt less guilty about not going to the gym tonight! Back home I drove Keith to the pub and then went home to make Macaroni cheese, one of the children's favourite meals!

Sunday 14 December 2014

Catching up

Today was a day for catching up with housework and getting things done that had been left all week. Mikey was at an Army Cadet training session again today and managed to tread mud from his boots all through the downstairs of the house...I was not happy!

After taking Sophie to work I came home and gave my filthy, salt-encrusted car a good wash. After the journey of yesterday it was covered in the white powder!

After washing the car I made Sophie's Potato and Sausage soup and then hoovered all downstairs before relaxing in the conservatory with my laptop. I watched all the birds on the feeders and saw a little robin hopping about pecking some crumbs from the bread I'd put down.

Of course, both children wanted picking up at the same time so I collected Mikey first and then went to get Sophie. She had a bowlful of soup when she got home and said it was excellent except for the bits of onion! I should have pureed the vegetable, she said, so I went and sieved her bowl and picked out the offending onion. Honestly!

Before dinner we spent a lovely hour watching the film Trading Places. I treated myself to a glass of Malt Whisky and lit the candles on the fireplace. Bliss!

Saturday 13 December 2014

Down to Kent...

It would have been my Nan's 95th Birthday today and Mum and I wanted to go down and put some flowers on the place where her ashes were scattered. I can't ever remember not going to Kent on this day and in the past, when I was a child, we always looked out for Christmas decorations on the way home when it was dark. Back then, we had to drive through the heart of London so it was lovely to see all the houses decorated with lights.

The morning dawned beautiful and cold with clear blue skies and sunshine. We left at 10am and made really good time to Dartford. The tolls are being removed from the tunnel and the bridge and last night I paid £5 online to go through. If you don't pay before you travel you have until midnight the next day to pay. I wonder how many don't pay at all?

We called into the garage where we always stop and Mum treated us to a Costa coffee and a small cake. The place was heaving with people and the roads were busy generally. Christmas shopping, perhaps?

After a much-needed coffee we drove to the Crematorium and put some flowers on the spot where Nan's ashes were. We also went and had a look at my other Nan's resting place before wandering around the beautiful gardens and looking at little trinkets that other people had left for their loved ones.

We'd decided to have lunch in the village of Ightham, at a pub we went to before and I set Gladys to direct us there. The village is tucked away in the countryside and Gladys took us on a very narrow road that had steep drops on one side...she really does have a fetish for the smallest roads available!

We found the pub and ordered sandwiches for lunch (well, Sophie had garlic bread) and a bowl of chunky chips to share. We spent a very pleasant hour sitting at a table by the window and I wondered if my relatives, Blacksmiths in the village, had ever come into the pub to have a drink?

The sandwiches, salad and chips certainly filled us up and we decided to head for home after we'd finished. Sophie was feeling a little queasy and on the M25 we stopped at South Mimms services so she could swap places with my mum. I get the feeling that sitting in the back of a car doesn't agree with her!

Friday 12 December 2014

Squeezing in a swim

Today has been pleasantly busy and Keith, Sophie and I went to Booker in the morning to order a turkey crown for our Christmas dinner. We ordered a 5kg bird so that should be more than enough for the six of us plus leftovers the next day!

Sophie was working in the evening so I went home, spent an hour with Keith and then popped back to get her. We managed to fit in a swim at the gym and some time lolling about in the jacuzzi before it was time to go and collect my husband from the pub.

We'd planned on having fish for dinner but Keith suggested a Chinese takeaway instead, which was a bit naughty, but a lot easier than starting the dinner so late. The four of us congregated in the kitchen for a very pleasant chat and talked about our house and the improvements we want to make in the future. A bigger kitchen would be a definite bonus at the moment!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Naughty treats!

On the way home from work today Sophie and I popped into Beckworth Emporium to have a look at their Christmas decorations. I bought some bird food, a jar of goose fat for the roast potatoes on Christmas Day and two little decorations - one for the tree, a little Father Christmas which Sophie promptly named Jeffrey and a small tealight holder in the Scandanavian style.

We watched the ice-skaters and I treated Sophie to a hot chocolate in their lovely cafe. I told her to choose a slice of cake to share and she came back and said she'd opted for a slice of Victoria sponge cake...well! It was the biggest slice of cake I've ever seen!!

As it was quite late in the day I can only assume they were trying to get rid of it! We gamely tackled it, but it defeated us in the end!

Before leaving for home we had a look around the food bit and I resisted buying wine and chocolates!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Pressie hunting...

Keith felt horrible this morning so we all left him in bed to nurse his cold (oh, sorry! Man Flu!). I took Mikey to school and Sophie came into work with me to keep me company.

We managed to escape after the Booker order had been delivered and I bought a Christmas present for my Mum. I don't think I've ever left it so late to start my shopping!

Back at work we whiled away the afternoon until it was time to go and pick up Sophie's friend Laura, but we called into Boots on the way and I bought another present for Mum, this time a gift from the children!

We battled through the early rush hour traffic and arrived at Laura's house fifteen minutes earlier than we'd said. She didn't mind though and soon the girls were sitting in the back of the car and excitedly catching up on all their news. Laura's been at University in London and the last time they saw each other was October, so there was a lot to talk about!

At home another friend, Danni, arrived and they shut themselves away in the conservatory with pizza and pop! I settled down to watch a new Danish drama, The Legacy, by myself after dinner. Bliss!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Eerie skies...

Today has dragged, somewhat, at work, and we still have no news about the completion date. I've resigned myself to being here over Christmas now as I'm sure nothing will happen before then.

Sophie came into work in the afternoon as we had an evening party so we didn't get away until 6pm. Keith has a cold so he wasn't feeling very well and wrapped himself up in his furry grey's a good job we now have heating and the house was lovely and warm!

Sophie and I watched the last episode of "Remember Me", which, frankly, was very silly. That's three hours of my life I will never get back!

Going to pick Mikey up from Cadets, the sky was a very weird shade of orange. It looked like a painting. It couldn't have been the lights from Northampton as most of them are still switched off and it might have been the waning moon, but it was very strange and a little eerie!

Monday 8 December 2014

An unexpected treat...

Our boiler has been replaced today so our days of a chilly house and limited hot water are over! Sophie and I went to the gym after work and we just could not get warm, probably because we'd been out in the car park at work picking up litter and sweeping up cigarette butts. It was very cold with a nasty wind that seemed to get into our bones.

We sat in the sauna for a while and then lolled about in the jacuzzi but the water wasn't that hot. I went and sat in a very steamy steam room and relished the heat for a while before sinking back into the depths of the foamy spa water. We finished our session with hot showers so at least we were warm for a wee while!

Back at home, the house was in a bit of a mess as the heating man had been everywhere and all the towels and bath mats from the airing cupboard had been dumped in our bedroom! The heating man wasn't finished until 7.30pm so Keith decided to take us out for a meal at The Royal Oak as nothing had been done with the dinner.

The children were over the moon about going out and we had a lovely, if expensive, meal. The bill came to a whopping £105, something Keith certainly wasn't prepared for... The children had decided to have three courses and their soft drinks were probably more expensive than we bargained for, so today some hefty sums have been spent. Time to rein in the budget I think!

Sunday 7 December 2014

A winter walk

After dropping Sophie off at work this morning, Keith and I did a walk around half the Nature Reserve. Keith parked his car on the causeway and I picked him up on the way home from taking Sophie and then we set out on the walk from home.

The early rain and grey skies had given way to sunshine and it was a lot milder than previously. We saw hardly any wildlife at all, just the odd pheasant and a few blackbirds so that was a bit disappointing. It was very muddy, though, and hard going where the ground was soft!

Back home it was bliss to make bacon sandwiches for brunch and have a hot cup of coffee. I spent the afternoon clearing out the drawers in the living room and in the study to make way for some of the stuff I'd brought home from work!

We didn't pick Sophie up until 6pm and then it was home to relax in the conservatory again with a drink. I made Sophie a couple of Mojitos which went down very well after her busy weekend working!

Saturday 6 December 2014

More Christmas preparations.

I had a feeling this morning that Sophie would be called into work and she was, as we had three staff members out. Two called in "sick" and the third was on holiday so she was definitely needed! It was a shame as I'd planned on decorating the trees and maybe even making a quick visit to Market Harborough and the gym...

Mikey went off into town with his mates so it was just Keith and I in the house all day. As soon as I got back from taking Sophie to work, I found all the lights and decorations for the tree in the living room and had a good clear-out of my wardrobe, putting all my summer clothes and shoes in the big drawers in our divan.

I cleaned the conservatory, put the lights on the tree and around the windows and then decorated the tree in the living room which I do in a "Scandinavian" style. By the time it came to pick Sophie up the house was looking very festive!

When we got home, Sophie and Mikey decorated the silver tree in the conservatory and then we sat in there with a drink as it was much warmer than the rest of the house! It was very pretty with the twinkling lights everywhere and Sophie said it was the best she'd ever seen the room look! High praise indeed!

Friday 5 December 2014

Another week ends...

And still we are no further forward with a completion date...

Sophie made the decision last night to go to University in September to do Business, so this morning she went back into school to see her old Business Studies teacher and to find out what she needs to do as she had a place reserved at Nottingham Trent to do Law. She wants to study at Northampton so she needs to re-apply there.

We had a busy-ish day at work and in the early evening we went to the gym and did a light workout. There's a lot of refurbishment going on on the gym floor at the moment so we had to pick our way around machines that were out of use but it's looking a lot better with new flooring and lighter paint on the walls.

We went off to the spa after working out and even managed a quick swim, but getting into the pool after being in the jacuzzi was not a good idea! Brrrr!

Thursday 4 December 2014

Busy, busy!

Today's been very busy, with lots of driving and rushing about!

Sophie and I had an early start as my daughter had an Orthodontist appointment at 8.30am. We left home at 7.45am to give ourselves plenty of time as the road we normally use is still closed. By some sort of miracle we arrived at the dentist surgery at 8am, before they even opened so I treated Soph to a Costa Coffee and we were still waiting outside the surgery as they didn't open their doors until 8.30am,

Sophie was in the chair for all of thirty seconds, before he said everything was fine and to make another appointment for next August! We dashed back to work before leaving at 9.30am for a meeting with our Accountant to discuss the sale of the business.

It was great to sit and get some advice as I was worried about what would happen to all the accounts and paperwork after we completed. Our Accountant put our minds at rest, though, and the whole procedure seems very straightforward. We just want it to happen now, but I can't see us completing before Christmas, which is only three weeks away!

Just after lunch Sophie and I went home to pick up Keith who was having his bi-annual meet-up with his ex-work mates. We drove him to the Britannia pub on the outskirts of Northampton and then called into the bank and New Look on the way back to work. Sophie bought herself a lovely blue dress to wear over Christmas so that made her happy!

Back at work I actually managed to get some work done before it was time to go and collect my tipsy husband. On the way we called into Next where Sophie managed to buy yet another outfit, so she's really had a good day today!

At the pub we had a drink with Keith, Pat and Tim and then it was time to head home through the rush hour traffic which was terrible. We crawled all the way home to find Mikey wrapped up against the cold lying on the sofa. There were no lights on in the house or any heating in the conservatory!

I made dinner and then it was bliss to light the fire in the living room and snuggle up on the sofa to watch a good old cheesy Christmas film!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

In the dark woods...

Getting to work and school this morning was no fun as we had to make a long diversion to avoid the closed road. The traffic was horrendous and I do wonder what's going to happen in the future with all the cars on the road. Most of the cars we saw had only one occupant and perhaps the Government will introduce some sort of tax for people travelling alone?

It's been a beautiful day today with clear blue skies and lots of sunshine so after work Keith and I went for a walk in the Nature Reserve to get some more holly for my mantelpiece.

The sun had already set and the sky was a mix of peachy oranges, golds and blues. The trees outlined against the sky looked beautiful.

It was very cold but I didn't mind - dry and sunny weather in winter means cold but I would rather it be clear and cold than grey and murky! We walked down to the Nature Reserve and within minutes I saw a little Muntjac deer, its little white tail bobbing as it ran away from us!

By now it was getting dark and the woods appeared deep and mysterious. As we walked the birds who had been settling down for the night in the trees, started flapping in panic when we approached which in turn set off the pheasants who flew up in alarm and clattered over the fields. squawking madly!

We collected a few more bits of holly and then walked on until the we could leave the Nature Reserve and regain the path up to the village. It was really quite eerie and the gnarled branches of the trees made weird shapes. I did wonder how many little creatures were watching us as we walked through the woods!

By the time we got to the village it was properly dark and when we got home Keith tried to get the heating to work but gave up. We put the fire on in the living room and the heaters in the conservatory but that was the sum total of our heating in the house. Brrr! Our boiler has really stopped working now and as we won't get it fixed until Monday it looks like we're going to have a cold weekend!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Christmas preparations

Today has been a nice day - what a difference to last Tuesday which was horrible and stressful!

Mum and I popped to the shopping centre today and I treated myself to a miniature, pre-lit Christmas tree in a shiny red bucket. It will look perfect in my living room with the other tree which I decorate in a Scandinavian style. I also bought Christmas cards and some wrapping paper so I am getting there! I still can't believe that it's only three weeks away!

After work it was bliss to go home, have a lovely warm bath and then watch Pointless with Keith, just like we used to do. Mikey was at Army Cadets tonight and I said I would treat Keith to a few drinks and a meal at The Lamplighter for all the taxiing services he's been doing for me lately. However, Sophie came too!

We dropped Mikey off (the long way around as the road from Holcot to Moulton has been closed for roadworks, which will make the journey into work and school fun tomorrow!) and then headed to the pub in the centre of Northampton.

I tried a delicious stout called Starless Stout while Keith went for a beer called The Big Bang Theory, which smelled like cat's pee but actually tasted very good! Sophie stuck to a half of Pilsner and we had a very pleasant meal and chat. The pub was very cosy, with dimmed lighting, twinkling Christmas decorations and a great atmosphere, but it would have been perfect if they'd lit one of the fires!

Monday 1 December 2014

Decking the halls.

So, it was back to work and reality this morning and the fact that we had to put up the Christmas decorations when I really did think we wouldn't still be here!

I went home at 2pm to fetch Sophie as she had volunteered to help dress the trees. This year we didn't do the area under the slides as I just couldn't drum up the enthusiasm! We dressed three trees and I put up our little snowman and our panda bear next to them to make it look a bit more festive!

When we finished we turned all the main lights out and it was lovely to see the trees twinkling away in the gloom! I do think it should be mandatory for everyone to put up lights outside their house at this time of year to keep the horrible darkness away.

After work Sophie and I went to the gym and managed a decent swim before our lane was invaded by children jumping in. A lady swimming with us complained to the lifeguard as the kids already had the children's pool and two lanes for swimming lessons. We gave up and went and sat in the jacuzzi and very relaxing it was, too! Liam popped into the sauna and on his way we had a quick chat which was great as I hadn't seen him since our Scottish night a fair few weeks ago.

Back home we just had time to watch an episode of Desperate Housewives before it was time to prepare dinner!

Sunday 30 November 2014

Sunday potterings...

I had a lovely lie-in this morning and didn't wake up until 9am! I didn't have time to sit about doing nothing, though, as we'd arranged to go and have coffee with Mum and Dad and get them their Sunday newspaper.

After we returned from seeing my parents and telling them about Berlin and our boiler finally dying on us, I took Sophie to work and then took my filthy, dirty car through the car wash. Back home I quickly ate a sausage sandwich and then it was back out to finish cleaning the car (the wheels never get cleaned enough!) and to tidy up the gardens which were in a real state.

The weather has been lovely again today and it was great to stand for a moment and feel the sun on my face! I must try and keep my Vitamin D levels topped up over the winter!

Saturday 29 November 2014

Homeward bound...

I was worried about getting to the airport this morning as we were relying on public transport and I was anxious about getting there in good time. I didn't want to miss our flight!

I needn't have worried as we were up at 6am, in the hotel dining room for breakfast at 6.45am and on the train to Potsdamer Platz by 7.15am. When we arrived at Potsdamer Platz we had a brief panic as we couldn't find the entrance to the underground but then we spotted a lift straight to the U2 line so within ten minutes we were on our way to Alexanderplatz. We knew we had to get to the station by 8.15am to catch the Airport Express as the next one wasn't until almost 9am and I wanted to be at the airport by then.

As it was a Saturday morning the trains were very quiet and we had a great journey to the airport. Walking the short distance from the station to the airport was freezing and it felt like the wind was coming straight from Siberia! The maximum temperature was 0c today and it certainly felt like it!

At Schonefeld we charged through security with no problems and entered the departure "lounge" via the Duty Free shop...very cunning! Miraculously, I managed to find a seat while Sophie went off and bought herself some perfume. I had a look around but couldn't justify spending money on things I didn't need so I saved my euros instead. I did buy Mikey a Toblerone and Keith a woolly hat so I did spend a few cents!

By the time I'd finished looking around Duty Free it was time to go to the gate and I was astonished to discover we had Speedy Boarding. There was one couple ahead of us so it was great to get onto the plane without any mad dashing!

The flight was one of the best I've ever had with easyJet as we had lots of empty seats in front of us and as before, we hardly seemed to be up in the air before it was time to descend.

Keith was waiting for us in Arrivals and very soon we were out of the car park and heading home. There were still roadworks going on so we had to divert through Luton town and joined the M1 a bit further up the motorway. I was happy to see that it was a gorgeous day with blue skies and sunshine so that was a bonus!

I spent the afternoon unpacking and doing some washing and Gerry, our boiler man, arrived to look at our central heating system that had malfunctioned badly while I was away. It looks like we'll need a new boiler, something we definitely didn't need this close to Christmas!

In the evening I had a lovely warm bath and got ready for Fiona's Come Dine With Me evening. I really should have had a nap in the afternoon but never found the time so I was one tired bunny! I wore Keith's grey, furry onesie with my rabbit ears and huge fluffy slippers. Sophie did my make-up and drew whiskers on my face and a black nose!

The clear blue skies had turned foggy so it was cautious trip into town to Fiona's house. Andrea had chosen to go as Snow White, Lynda was Fiona from Shrek (and therefore not technically a Disney character!) while our hostess, Fiona, was one of the Frozen sisters. Everyone looked great!

We had a lovely meal, but I have to confess to being so shattered by my journey and the last couple of days in Berlin, that I really didn't enjoy it as much as I should have done. By 11pm I was almost asleep so I called Keith and he came to collect me. We drove home in the foggy gloom and it was such a relief to finally sink into my lovely bed!

Friday 28 November 2014

Ben Howard in Berlin...Day 2

It was lovely this morning not to have to get up so early and it was 9.30am by the time we were showered and dressed and ready for some breakfast in the hotel dining area.

Breakfast was great and typically German with lots of different types of bread, cooked meats, cheeses, yoghurt and fruit. There was also, bizarrely, a dish of cucumber if you felt so inclined...I couldn't imagine anything worse at breakfast!

I downed three cups of coffee, a boiled egg and some lovely dark bread while Sophie opted for cereal, white rolls and a slice of cake. Our plan was to do some shopping this morning and head back to the wonderful Christmas market to sample some goodies.

We headed to Potsdamer Platz first and had a look around the shops there. Outside the beautifully decorated shopping mall was another small Christmas market and a huge snow slope for children to whizz down (Mikey went on it a few years back!).

We headed to H&M where Sophie tried on a couple of tops but she wasn't happy with either of them and decided to save her money for the Mac concession later! The shopping mall was very quiet and we decided to leave and visit the Galeria shop in Alexanderplatz. We took the U2 line and I suggested we first walk to Hackescher Markt where I wanted to wander around the inter-connecting courtyards, the Hackesche Hof, where I knew there was a Mac shop...

We found the area eventually (it had been a while since I visited last!) and we both fancied a hot chocolate as it was bitterly cold. The weather wasn't as sunny as yesterday with grey skies and an icy wind and the hot chocolate, topped with thick cream, certainly did the trick and warmed us up!

We found the courtyards and had a look in the Mac shop but Sophie said she felt a bit intimidated by the staff (I have no idea why!) so we decided to try and catch a tram back to Alexanderplatz. Now, in all the years we've been visiting Berlin - and amazingly this was my tenth time! - we've never used the excellent tram system. My feet were hurting a bit as the boots I was wearing weren't the most comfortable. My fault, I know, but I just didn't have room to bring my walking boots as well.

Ornate windows in the Hackesche Hof
We persevered and managed to work out which tram we needed to get back to Alexanderplatz station. We had to wait about ten minutes and in that time I could feel the cold seep into my bones. I'm really silly at times, as I had a fur scarf, hat and gloves back at the hotel, but I'd chosen not to put them on as I get so hot on the underground and in the shops. I just had a thin top on under my coat and sitting in the cold wind started to feel very uncomfortable indeed.

It was sheer bliss to use the tram, which was brilliant, and then get into the warmth of the Galeria shop, a huge department store selling everything from food and wine to clothes, make-up and toys.

Sophie treated herself to a Mac make-up bag containing lipsticks and brushes and I bought some chocolate for Mikey. I deliberately avoided going to the sumptuous food hall as I couldn't have taken any beer or wine home and we just didn't have room for lots of gifts in our bags.

Outside the Galeria was yet another Christmas market but we decided to head for the lovely one near the Nikolaiviertal instead and on the way I bought some furry insoles for my boots to try and alleviate the pressure on my feet...damned cobbles!!

Sophie had a craving for sausage and potato soup again and amazingly, we discovered a little outpost of Reinhard's restaurant at the entrance to the market. We went in the little tent to find a miniature version with wooden tables, dark furniture and pictures on the walls. Big patio heaters warmed up the tent and a German woman singing plaintive songs in the background created a lovely atmosphere.

We enjoyed a bowl of soup each, and a beer, and this set us up for walking around the market.

Back out in the bitter cold we wandered around the market and I treated Sophie to a waffle covered in Nutella. I had a crepe with the same chocolate sauce and then it was finally time for a Gluhwein. The drink cost 3 euros but you paid another 3 for the ornate glass which you got back when you returned the glass, which I had no intention of doing!

The Gluhwein was utterly delicious and warmed me up considerably! By now it was getting darker and colder, so we decided to head back to the hotel where we had a nap and relaxed until it was time for dinner.

I didn't fancy walking far and on the way back to the hotel, we'd checked out an Italian restaurant opposite so we decided to go there for dinner. Before eating we had a glass of wine in the hotel bar where we were amused to see a group of German women order beer topped up with Fanta orange...that's a new one on me!

We had a lovely meal with a very friendly waiter who asked if we were sisters...hmmm! Maybe he was looking to get a generous tip at the end of the evening! Sophie chose a pork schnitzel served with spaghetti bolognese while I opted for a breaded version and both of them were delicious. We waited a little while before dessert of tiramisu and panna cotta and I treated myself to a glass of Cointreau. It was a great evening and made a lovely end to our Berlin break!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Ben Howard in Berlin...Day 1

It was not very pleasant at all waking up this morning and getting ready for our flight. I wasn't looking forward to the whole experience at all, I have to admit, as I now really dislike flying and all the associated hassle that goes with it.

We hurriedly showered, dressed and packed our cabin bags before checking out and walking the short distance to the airport. It was a dreary, damp and foggy morning and it was great to finally arrive at Departures and make our way straight through Security.

It was here I fell foul of the system, which left me gritting my teeth with annoyance... Sophie had given me a clear plastic bag for all our toiletries (all of them under the required 100ml) but when I took the bag out to put it through the scanner separately, the security officer said it was far too big and I had too much stuff. He made me buy two small clear bags for £1 (good job I had a coin on me!) and then said I couldn't take two bags through as you were only allowed one per person! Sophie had already gone through so I had to jettison our conditioner, toothpaste and deodorant and stuff our other toiletries into one small bag. Does it really matter? In future I will just buy the things I need in the departure lounge or take a hold bag. What a bloomin faff!

By now I was desperate for a coffee so we went to Starbucks where the staff were having their own frustrating start to the day. A couple in front of me spoke no English and were very rude, making the staff behind the counter roll their eyes in annoyance! We had a good-natured chat and the woman told me that she has to go through security every day and that morning she was searched! I didn't realise that! It's bad enough doing it every once in a while, let alone every single day!

We sat and had a light breakfast and then made our way to Boots where I replaced our purloined toiletries. I had no intention of bringing any of them back with me!

All too soon, it was time to go to the Departure gate and wait for boarding. We'd booked our seats and there was no frantic scrambling to get onto the plane like there normally is with easyJet. It was all very civilised and calm!

The flight to Berlin was short and efficient. No sooner were we up than it was time to descend but we both managed to have a cup of coffee and hot chocolate and I treated myself to a muffin as all I'd had at the aiport was a dry oat biscuit. We landed at Berlin Schonefeld in bright sunshine but it was far colder than Luton!

Sophie had never caught the train from the aiport before and had been astounded when I said we wouldn't need a taxi as the public transport was so efficient and the station was merely a ten minute walk away. We made our way to a ticket kiosk and bought two standard day fares for just under 15 euros...a lot cheaper than a 40 euro taxi ride!

Luckily, as we went up onto the platform a train was standing waiting for us and it wasn't long before we arrived at Alexanderplatz station and caught the U2 line to Potsdamer Platz. From here we had a fifteen minute walk to our hotel, a Holiday Inn Express, just minutes away from the Tempodrom where Ben Howard was appearing that night.

It was brilliant to be able to check in straight away and get unpacked. Our room was on the fourth floor and had views over the city. It was on the small side but was perfect for what we needed with twin beds, a lovely bathroom (with a big shower) and a small area for hanging up our clothes.

We unpacked, freshened up and made our way to an S-Bahn station we'd noticed on the walk to the hotel called Anhalter Bahnhof. This connected to the station at Potsdamer Platz where we retraced our steps to take the U2 line to the station nearest the hotel we usually stay at. We wanted to see what progress had been made on the building works going on last year in the summer when we were woken every morning by the sound of cranes and banging!

The building, an apartment block, was finished and looking lovely and new...

November 2014

July 2013
We said a quick hello to the Grosser Kurfurst Hotel and then made our way over to the Nikolaiviertal, my favourite area of Berlin. We wanted to catch up with what was going on with the extension of one of the underground lines because the last time we were here, the whole area was a complete mess!

On the way I took photos of my favourite view -

I always feel like I've come home when I see this view...

And some views of the streets in the Nikolaiviertal...

There were Christmas decorations everywhere and we came around the corner to see a small open-air cinema where a couple were watching an old black and white film. Around them were chairs and tables with blankets and the gorgeous smell of Gluhwein.

We decided to have lunch at Reinhard's as Sophie was craving their delicious sausage and potato soup. Luckily it was on the lunch menu and we were soon seated and perusing the dishes on offer. We each chose a beer - Sophie went for the Berliner Pilsner, while I went for my favourite, the dark Kostritzer. I'm sure the waiter recognised us from the Bar Otello next door where Keith and I spent an enjoyable couple of evenings back in 2012. He was very friendly and polite and took our order of soup followed by Currywurst for Sophie and a Berlin-style meatball for me.

There were lots of groups of people eating and a lovely, very festive atmosphere. Next to our table were rows of glorious Poinsettias and the restaurant was cosy and warm. I could easily have stayed all day!

The food was wonderful and Sophie was certainly not disappointed with her soup which was thick and hearty. I promised her I would try and make it at home. Our main courses were equally good and we enjoyed another beer each before paying the bill and making our way over to the Berliner Dom.

On the way we admired some fantastic old photos displayed on the wall surrounding the new Humboldt forum, which has taken the place of the old East German government building. Work has really started in earnest on the new venue so it'll be great to see it when it's finally finished. The first time Keith and I visited back in 2006, they were dismantling the old East German building and it really made an impression on me then.

We wandered over to look at the Berliner Dom, another favourite building, and had a hot chocolate and some macaroons in a cafe overlooking the river. Last year when we came here they were busy selling ice-creams but today it was chocolates and hot drinks!

The Marienkirche church in the shadow of the TV Tower.

We were delighted to find a huge Christmas market in the wide open space leading up to Alexanderplatz. The U-Bahn building works were hidden behind fences and the whole area was given over to little wooden chalets selling Christmas decorations, winter clothing and stall upon stall offering food of every variety. Around the large ornate fountain was an ice-rink where children were skating, watched by their parents drinking gluhwein and warming themselves by the open fire. It was wonderful!

We wanted to wander around, but Sophie was desperate for the loo (the beer!) so we said we'd come back tomorrow. However, we passed some toilets where a very stern looking man was guarding the Ladies! Before we could use them we had to pay 50 cents!

Thus relieved we carried on around the market and Sophie treated herself to a beautiful ring made out of shell. As we were still full from lunch we managed to avoid eating any food but promised ourselves we would return tomorrow and sample some of the treats on offer.

One of the many chalets selling the hot mulled delicious!

By now we were a wee bit tired so we made our way back to the hotel and had a well-earned nap before getting ready to see Ben Howard at 8pm. Sophie was convinced that the venue wasn't going to be busy so we both had a bit of a shock when we went around the corner and saw hundreds of people queuing to get into the Tempodrom! We joined one the queues and it dawned on me that we hadn't a clue what to do! Were we even in the right queue?

As we neared the entrance one of the staff was asking whether people had sitting or standing tickets. All we had was a confirmation email but we had reserved seats so we were directed to another window where I produced some ID and was given two new tickets with our seat numbers on them.

We wanted a drink and asked for two bottles of water. The caps were removed and then we were given two plastic red disks that we later found out were deposits for the bottles. It was a very quick learning curve for us!

We found our seats in Block 6 and discovered we had a great view of the stage. At 8pm exactly, the lights went down and Ben Howard's support act, Jack Garratt, came on and performed some great music for about half an hour. Sophie told me there would be "at least" three support acts, but as the time went on, and nobody appeared I began to doubt her. If she was right then Ben wouldn't appear until about 11pm!

Luckily, there was just the one support act and Ben Howard came on shortly after 9pm. He performed all his songs from the new album "I Forget Where We Were" plus three others, one of which he dedicated to his mum who was on tour with him. What a lovely touch! He kept on coming back for encores and had a lot of banter with the audience which was great!

We both enjoyed the show tremendously and we never heard any other English voices, which I did find surprising. I was convinced there would be other Brits there (and there probably were!) but we didn't see any!

After the show, Sophie bought a tee-shirt and a poster and we made the short journey back to the hotel where we collapsed thankfully into bed!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Leaving home...

After a day of getting things done at work it was time to go home, finish the packing and head off to Luton airport after dinner.

We left at about 7.45pm and drove down to the Ibis Hotel in thick fog - not at all pleasant! There were roadworks all around Luton so we had to be diverted through the town. I'm just so glad we decided to stay in a hotel overnight rather than brave the traffic in the morning. I would have been panicking like mad as the diversion added about another twenty minutes to our journey.

Keith dropped us off at the door of the hotel and then left to go home which was a bit sad. I felt guilty that we weren't going as a family, but the opportunity to see Ben Howard in Berlin was too good to miss and I don't think Keith and Mikey would have appreciated seeing him as much as Sophie and I!

The Ibis is a great little hotel, but achingly hip and trendy. It reminded me of Ikea with lots of modern furniture, dark paint styles (on the ground floor) and waitresses wearing Converse baseball boots! If you really wanted, you could download some sort of App, and in the morning a drawing would appear on your iPhone, inspired by your sleep...hmmm!

We checked in and went up to our room which was small but very clean and functional. We'd noticed a bar on the way in so we hurriedly had a quick freshen up and then went downstairs for a glass of wine. There were lots of businessmen dotted about and almost everyone was glued to their phones... We sat by the window which looked out over the airport car parks and did a good bit of people watching! I just hoped that the fog would clear by tomorrow as I really didn't want to be delayed on the flight out to Berlin.

After just the one drink we went back to our room, mindful of our early start the next day. The alarm was set for 4.30am...Arrggh!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Taking a little time out...

Today hasn't been the nicest of days with some worries over the impending sale and horrible, grey gloomy weather.

In the afternoon Sophie and I managed to escape the stress for a little while as I had to go out and buy some furry slippers and bunny ears for the forthcoming Come Dine With Me evening on Saturday. We went to the local shopping centre where I changed some money into euros and then had a look in Tesco for some big furry slippers.

As there were none to be had we went to Riverside where we tried Brantano (nothing) and then Next who came up trumps with a lovely pair that will be very cosy to wear around the house after next Saturday evening. It would have been rude not to leave the store without going to Costa so I treated Sophie to a Creamy Cooler and a cake while I had a cup of tea.

From Riverside we drove to the costume hire shop where I bought a headband with ears. Now my outfit is complete and I'll just need Sophie to draw some whiskers on my face when I get ready!

We went back to work for half an hour and then drove home where I packed my clothes into a small cabin bag and made sure everything was ready for our departure tomorrow. Mikey and Keith were out for the evening (cadets and football) so Sophie and I had a very relaxing evening watching Desperate Housewives. A nice end to a somewhat stressful day!

Monday 24 November 2014

Mad dashes!

Today has been a wee bit frantic as I had my car booked in for a service early this morning but I had to take Mikey to school first. A road has been closed between the A43 and the village of Holcot and this created absolute mayhem this morning. As if we haven't got enough roadworks going on at the moment!

I dropped Mikey off near the school and made my way back to the A43 to get to the garage but the traffic was terrible. This is becoming a real daily bugbear now and I dread every journey into work or school in the morning.  I arrived at the garage to find Keith waiting for me and then we had another slow journey into work. I really needed my coffee when I arrived!

We didn't do much cleaning today, although I did pick up a lot of litter in our car park, most of it McDonald's wrappers, which is always a pain. The crows came out to watch what I was doing and I put some bird food down for them to keep them happy. The crow babies seem to have stayed around this year as at one point there were five of them strutting around.

Keith was at the dentist's surgery in Leicester this afternoon but he called to say that he would pick me up from work. Mum and Dad left so I had the place to myself - how quiet and peaceful it was! I wrapped up a coat I was selling on ebay (yes! I've finally succumbed to the lure of the site) and hoped fervently that Keith would be back in time for me to drop the parcel off at the Post Office on the way to picking my car up.

Well, of course, with all the traffic, he was later than planned so it was a mad dash into Moulton to post the coat and then a struggle with the traffic all the way to Broughton to pick up my car. Because of the road closure a number of cars were waiting to turn right onto the very busy A43, something I would never attempt at rush hour! Brave indeed!

We made the garage with five minutes to spare and had a good chat with Rob who owns the mechanics. He frequents the same pubs as us so we had an amiable chat about beer which gave us both a bit of a breathing space before hurtling back into the traffic to go home.

Keith walked down to the pub tonight and left me to make a fish pie. I have to admit to never making one before but it turned out very well and the children both had second helpings. That's always good to see!