Wednesday 19 July 2017

Hard work!

I had a lot of deliveries to do today, and all of them involved a lot of boxes of wine. Two of them were so big I'd asked if Mike could help and I'd arranged for Keith to drive him to meet me so he could give me a hand unloading.

Today has been truly horrible weather - heavy grey skies, with a threat of rain and high humidity making it really uncomfortable. I left work at 12.30pm and met Keith, Sophie and Mike at a pub where we unloaded over twenty boxes of wine. To make it worse we had to carry them down some very uneven steps into the cellar and I was terrified that one of us would fall and break a leg!

From the pub we went to a nearby village where we were delivering 200 bottles of sparkling wine and 60 bottles of Rose for a weekend party. I could see the marquee in the field behind the house and the man who had ordered the wine showed me where to go in the van so we could unload. I was so glad Mike was with me! I had to reverse down a narrow strip of field with a drop on the right hand side and I had visions of getting it wrong and overturning the van into the marquee!

We were asked to leave the wine on the grass as a cooler unit was arriving later and I hoped fervently that it wouldn't rain! I bid farewell to my lovely family and returned to work to grab a bite to eat before venturing out again to another two pubs, each of which had big orders!

Back at work James and I put wine away from the three pallets that had arrived earlier in the week and I was very thankful when it was time to go! Just before we left James the manager arrived with his new wife and they had brought some wedding cake with them, which was a lovely gesture! We had a chat and then it was home to enjoy a glass of wine and eat cold chicken and roasted vegetables for dinner. I was pooped!

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