Friday 28 July 2017

A marathon day!

I had loads of deliveries to do today and spent most of the day in the van. I think I drove over a hundred miles and it was hard work!

I was first in and managed to open up and get a lot of things ready before James arrived, which was good. It's typical that I'm being much more confident with all of our tasks just as my time here comes to an end!

My first delivery was to Silverstone and it was a big order - ten cases of beer and about twenty cases of wine. James and Jonathan had given me instructions on how to get where I needed to be, but that all went a bit haywire when I arrived at the main entrance and was told that all deliveries had to go to Gate 3. I duly went and turned around but at Gate 3 I was denied access and told I needed a vehicle pass...I called the woman on my delivery note who eventually told me to go back to the main entrance and demand to be let in so I could get to them via the perimeter road.

By now I was feeling a bit fed up, but I was allowed in, only I took the wrong perimeter road...there are two, apparently! I finally, finally found the way after a bit more wrangling with the stewards and luckily had a team of people to help me unload the van and put all the delivery onto trolleys.

Getting out was much easier than getting in and I was very glad to see the back of Silverstone! I headed off to Towcester to do a delivery at a pub and then drove to a wedding venue in the middle of the countryside where I got lost again! James called to ask where I was as the people at the venue had been ringing to find out where I was, even though I certainly wasn't late! The man arrived and asked me to reverse down a muddy track where another team of helpful men helped me unload and take the wine to a marquee.

I then had to trek right across the county to Badby and the weather looked very ominous. I prayed it wouldn't rain as I was unloading the van and luckily it held off. Back at the shop Sophie and Keith were waiting for me in the car park, which was lovely. They had dropped Mike off in town and had called to say hello, but I was so busy I just had time for a quick chat. It was horrible seeing them drive off!

After a quick lunch I was back out in the van to do another seven deliveries. I went to a couple of places near the town and then went back over to a tea shop near Weedon, before heading back to what I would call "my patch" where my last delivery was to a remote farm. I arrived to find nobody about and after knocking on the farmhouse door and receiving no answer I felt a bit stumped. This could well have been my last ever delivery and it was typical that it was a difficult one. The farm and outbuildings were very eerie and there was a strong wind blowing over the fields making me feel like I was on a set of a horror film!

Luckily a van appeared and a very nice man (with startlingly blue eyes) told me where to go, so that was a huge bonus! I delivered my last order and then headed thankfully back to the shop as it was now almost 6pm!

James and I spent the last remaining hours sorting out deliveries and enjoyed another slice of cake with some cider. The heavens had opened and it was a dark and horrible night. I was so glad I'd escaped the rain through the day!

We left at 8pm and I collected Mike on my way home. It was sheer bliss to get home, have a late dinner and relax. I have one more day to go!

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