Friday 31 May 2013

A quiet end to the week...thank goodness!

The weather finally changed today and we saw lovely sunshine and blue skies. Consequently we were much quieter at work which gave all of us a bit of a breather.

I was all set to go to the gym this evening but Sophie wanted to go home from work and get ready for the party she was going to, so I took her home and then got waylaid as the man coming to fix our oven hadn't arrived and Keith wanted me to wait with him in case he didn't turn up until late (i.e. I could stay at home to see him while he went to the pub!).  Keith managed to persuade me to go for a walk instead of the gym so I gave my car a quick wash and then luckily, the oven man turned up.

By the time he'd fiddled about with it and had a good chinwag with us, it was 5.30pm so Keith dashed into the shower and then Mikey and I walked down to the pub with him, before carrying on our walk over the fields. It was a beautiful evening and it felt good to be out in the sunshine rather than stuck in the confines of the gym. Mikey never stopped talking the whole way around, but it was great to spend some time with him, just the two of us, for a change!

My evening was spent taxiing Sophie and her friends to the party and I eventually got home at midnight. She decided to spend the night with one of her friends who lives in the village so I brought them home here to get their things and then dropped them back at the friend's house. Sophie's on/off boyfriend was also staying over so I had him and his friend revving up their motorbikes at our house before they all left - not the most ideal thing to happen in our quiet neighbourhood!

Thursday 30 May 2013

I am rejected!

After another busy day (but thankfully not as manic as yesterday!) Sophie and I went off to give blood. It was Sophie's first time and the staff made a real fuss of her!

I wasn't feeling 100% for some reason and told the nurse that I'd taken some Ibuprofen for a headache, so she advised me not to donate today which was a shame as we'd missed the last appointment in Easter as we were on holiday. However, it meant I could look after Sophie as she made her donation and hold her hand.

She was absolutely fine through the whole process and the staff really did give her a lot of attention. I was so proud of her! There were new chairs/beds which looked very posh and much better than the old style one which you have to clamber onto, in a very undignified manner! I took an appointment leaflet away with me and there's a session near to me on the 8 June so I will go to that one instead, otherwise I will have only given one pint this year!

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wash-out Wednesday!

We have (predictably) been super-busy at work today and the noise levels have been tremendous. We were full by 11.30am so we had to stop customers coming in until several left. It's amazing how much the weather affects us - if it had been dry, sunny and warm like the weekend we would have been very quiet but it rained for most of the day without any let-up in the ever present grey.

Sophie and I went to to the gym after work but we only managed a swim, seeing as we'd both been on our feet most of the day. It was very relaxing to sink into the warm waters of the spa, though, and stretch our aching muscles.

When I got home I was met by Keith with a drink and a delicious chicken casserole cooked in our slow-cooker. Our oven is broken at the moment and I only hope we can get if fixed tomorrow otherwise we'll be shopping for a new one!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Back to reality!

It was back to work today and the cleaning had to be done first thing. The weather was grey and horrible with rain forecast all day - not a great start to the week and what a difference to yesterday!

We were busy at work and it was sheer bliss to get home and know that I hadn't got to venture out again for once. I can't remember the last time I came straight home from work and didn't have to go anywhere else! The rain driving home was unbelievable - it was like driving through a succession of car washes!

Keith and I have started watching the Danish crime drama, The Killing, and we're enjoying it very much. We're definitely fans of Nordic Noir (we saw the Danish film The Hunt last week) and I just hope that more of these types of genre will be available in the future!

Monday 27 May 2013

Perfect Bank Holiday!

Today has been beautiful, and perfect laundry weather! I know I'm a bit sad in this, but I do love to see clean washing hanging on a line and drying in the breeze! It smells so much better than laundry dried in a tumble dryer. I changed all of our beds today and dried the lot in the garden, warmed by the breeze and the gorgeous sunshine!

Sophie went off to London today with her friend by train while Keith and I met Mum and Dad at work to take all of Nan's belongings into the Heart Foundation charity shop in town. On the way home we called into a pub I've wanted to visit for ages - The Olde England - which unusually for us is a town pub. This time, I wasn't disappointed and The Olde England lived up to all my expectations! It's pretty strange in that there is no bar as such, just a cubby hole where you order your drink (they do 12 real ales!). They don't serve lager or alcopops just beers, ciders, fruit wines and soft drinks.

We took our drinks to the room overlooking the park and I was very impressed with how clean it was. There were wooden tables with strange carved chairs, boar's heads on the blood red walls, animal skins, huge church candles and a log fire. I should think it's wonderful in winter when it must be very cosy indeed. We sat and had an exceedingly pleasant hour chatting and enjoying our beer (I had a half) which comes straight from the barrel.

At home it was back to the household chores and then a long wait for Sophie to come home. I'd asked her not to get a very late train home but she ended up on the 10pm one and I was very glad she was with a group of friends!

Sunday 26 May 2013

Sunny Sunday

After a lazy start to Sunday Sophie and I headed off to Milton Keynes with mum at lunchtime. If I'm totally honest I wasn't keen on going but I need to get something to wear to Nan's funeral even though I'd never felt less like shopping for clothes!

We had lunch in John Lewis (delicious Moroccan chicken soup again) and then had a look around the shops. It was very quiet, probably because the weather was so gorgeous! Even Sophie didn't seem keen to buy anything so by 3pm we had had enough.

We drove home and then it was lovely to sit in the garden with a glass of wine with Keith and the children (and Monty). I enjoyed the Rex Goliath Sauvignon Blanc and although the wind was a bit on the chilly side the sun was beautiful and warm. We'd decided to risk having a barbecue and everyone else seemed to have the same idea as us because we could smell smoky fires coming from all sides!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Return of the Spring

Today has been beautiful, sunny and warmer, such a difference to yesterday! I potted up the plants I bought last Sunday and then pottered around the house doing odd jobs before leaving to pick Sophie up from work. On the way I called into Tesco to buy a DVD of Les Miserables to watch tonight, as there was nothing worth watching on TV and Keith was planning to see the Champions League Final...yawn!

There was just time for me to have a walk before Keith and I had a drink at the pub which was busy with people sitting in the garden and soaking up the evening sunshine. We'd only been at the bar for about ten minutes when a crowd of people descended from a vintage tractor ride! Within minutes the previously quiet lunge was full to capacity with people all clamouring for a drink!

After a very delicious dinner Sophie and I sat and watched Les Miserables and I did wonder what all the fuss was about, to be honest. I'm not a fan of musicals at all and the constant singing was certainly different - more like an opera, I suppose. Anyway, at least I can say I've seen it now, but it won't be making my Top Ten favourite films of all time!

Friday 24 May 2013

Mad May weather!

It was back to work today and to be honest I was dreading it as Fridays are always busy and it was raining...

Sophie was working for us today so Keith brought her in and then we both went to Booker in his car as the Mondeo was still full of Nan's belongings. We loaded the car up in the rain and then unloaded it in a nasty cold wind. Our Florida holiday seems an absolute age ago...

It was good to have Sophie in at work but Mum and I did get to clear tables and do the washing up so no rest for the wicked! I just didn't have the energy to go to the gym after work so it was home to sort through the masses of photos I'd brought back with me and watch the mad weather out of the window. We had torrential rain and howling winds, hail and then sunshine...madness!

Thursday 23 May 2013

A long and tiring day, part 2...

Premier Inn offer a good night guarantee but I can't say I slept well at all. I lay awake worrying about Sophie getting home and then I woke at 5.30am to music coming from somewhere - it sounded like a disco! I opened the window in my room and managed to get back to sleep until someone started throwing rubbish into the skips opposite...and then the trains started! Hmmm!

When my alarm went off at 7.15am I felt muzzy headed and very tired. Hoping that a brisk shower would wake me up, I discovered that I didn't have any hot water! I persevered and after what seemed like an age, I did have some hot water, but it certainly wasn't boiling!

We did have a very good breakfast, though, which more than made up for the disturbed night's sleep. I never sleep well away from home anyway, and after a couple of coffees I felt much better. I enjoyed granola with lots of fruit and then a full English which set me up for the day! The sun was shining and the traffic on the M2 was very light so we made good time back to Dartford. We met my uncle at the flat and then made our way into the town to the library to register Nan's death.

While Mum, Dad and my uncle were in with the registrar I browsed the Local History section of the library looking for interesting books about Dartford and the surrounding villages, and hoping to get little bits of information for research on my family tree. There were several people using the computers in that section and one of them was very strange indeed - he looked like a tramp and wore a battered pink straw hat. He was looking at some very dodgy websites, all about anarchy, and in light of the terrible events in Woolwich yesterday, with the sickening murder of a soldier, it made me feel very uneasy indeed. I only hope that he was a harmless eccentric...

After the registration, we headed back to the flat to try and get Nan's sofa and chairs into the back of the Mondeo to take to the local tip. I did feel sorry for my Dad and my uncle as it was hard job and neither of them are young anymore, both being in their 70s! They made four trips to the skip with the furniture that nobody wanted and then I went on my own with eight black bags of bedding and towels that Nan had collected over the years and hadn't ever cleared out. It was heartbreaking to see her things ending up in a huge container but what else could we do with her stuff? We already had a huge pile of things to take back home with us and we weren't really sure that it was going to all fit in the car!

We were finally finished by 4pm and it was very sad to see the flat looking so empty and forlorn. It's made me realise that memories and experiences are far more important than "stuff" and I'm going to make sure that I do as much as I can before I die rather than waste money on rubbish.

We filled the Mondeo up completely with all Nan's stuff and headed thankfully home. My Mum was much better than I thought she would be (I did think she would be very emotional and upset) and it was lovely to have some of Nan's special things with us such as photos and some precious bits of jewellery.

We had a slow journey home and it was bliss to see Keith and the children again and have a very large Vodka and tonic with a roast dinner!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

A long and tiring day...

This morning Mum, Dad and I went down to Kent to start clearing out Nan's flat. We'd decided to stay overnight at a Premier Inn in Rochester as there was no way I fancied driving 100 miles back just to return the next day!

We arrived at about 10am to find the flat in a state of mayhem. My uncle had been there since around 7am as we'd had a skip delivered and had decided to start sorting out the wardrobe and drawers in Nan's bedroom...Mum and I were not happy! There were clothes everywhere and the whole flat was in a mess. He'd taken all the photos down from the wall and put the frames into a big suitcase as his son-in-law worked with someone who dealt with photo frames (and was probably going to sell them). I was livid as all the photos I'd given to Nan were now lying on the table minus the frames. It meant that if I wanted to put them up in my own house I'd have to buy new frames! I asked where he'd put them but he was deliberately vague and then he disappeared to deliver them to his son-in-law! Which was maybe a good job seeing as I was so angry!

Mum and I looked at each other in despair and I could cheerfully have screamed and run away from the flat, but we squared our shoulders and knuckled down to it. I started sorting out Nan's clothes and putting any that were good enough into suitcases, as one of the ladies that works for us helps out at a charity shop. Nan had some beautiful clothes, many of which were hardly worn, so very soon we had about five suitcases and bags filled with her clothes, ornaments and soft toys. Dad and my Uncle busied themselves with taking rubbish out to the skip and tried not to get in our way as both of us were still seething.

It was very hard seeing all of Nan's possessions being carted away to either the charity shop or the skip. My uncle said that some of our (very) extended family wanted a few bits of furniture and his daughter-in-law wanted the photos. That was the last straw for me as I'd regarded the photos as my job and had said I would go through them all at home and then give out the pictures to my uncle and his side of the family, to my parents and keep any that related to me. He jokingly said that there'd be a "punch-up" between me and my cousin's wife and I was nearly very rude to him indeed! The photos were of my family - not her family!

He then found a booklet with all of my Grandad's blood donor records and said that she would love them...Er, excuse me! I very politely pointed out that they belonged to my Grandad and that I wanted to keep them...I think he got the message!

We carried on working until well past 5pm and all of us were very tired by the time we finished the first day. At one point in the afternoon we'd had a crowd of people in the flat all seeing what they could get and I thought that my mum was going to explode. I knew this would happen as the same thing happened when my other Nan died and it just made me really angry to see people walking about looking at things that they had no right to have, especially as they'd never even visited her when she was in hospital!

It was a relief to get into the car and drive the short distance to Rochester. We found the hotel easily (there was a Virgin gym nearby - shame I didn't bring my kit!) and were soon checked in and sitting in the bar with a well-earned drink. I checked up on Sophie who was in Birmingham at a Lewis Watson concert and then we got ready for dinner. I really relished the time alone after our busy day and I had a bath before joining my parents in the restaurant.

We decided on the Sleeper Saver menu which was fantastic value - three courses at dinner, with a drink, followed by breakfast the next day, at just £22.99 each. I hope they still have the offer on when Keith and visit the North-East in June!

We had a lovely meal and a good chat but by 9.30pm we were all ready for bed. I read for a while and turned my light out at around 10.30pm only to be woken five minutes later by an ecstatic Sophie calling me to say she'd met Lewis Watson after the gig and that he'd cuddled her! One very happy daughter, but one wide awake parent who spent the next two hours hoping she'd got home OK!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

We finally get our hair cut!

I picked Sophie up from her friend Abi's house after work and we went straight to the hairdresser's to have a trim. I'd had to cancel the last two appointments because of going down to Kent so it was good to finally have the dry ends chopped off. It's always a treat to have someone else wash my hair so I enjoyed the pampering and seeing my hair look a little better than it did. The chlorine in the pool affects it quite a bit and dries it out so maybe a regular treatment is a good idea!

We drove home with an ominously dark sky above and I did wonder whether we'd get a cracking thunderstorm, but all we had was a bit of rain. Mikey's Army Cadet meeting took place at Pitsford tonight which was fun for him - with summer supposedly on the way, it'll be great for them to get out into the fresh air a bit more!

Monday 20 May 2013

Dealing with death

Mum, Dad and I left home at 8am this morning to drive down to Kent and meet my uncle. The traffic on the M1 was very heavy and we literally crawled all the way to the M25 junction. We called the hospital from my mobile to try and make an appointment to pick up the death certificate and explained that we were on our way from Northampton.

We were at Nan's flat by 10.30am and our first job was to try and find her birth certificate. Nan kept lots and lots of papers so we certainly had a job on our hands. We searched for about an hour with no luck and then headed off to the hospital to Patient Services. Unfortunately the certificate wasn't ready so we got back in the car and drove to the Co-op Funeral Services in Dartford to arrange her cremation.

It's certainly not cheap to die these days! We kept the funeral simple with only one hearse (I've been in a funeral car and hated it) and a cremation at Eltham Crematorium where all our family have been cremated in the past. We were given a brochure for flowers (I gasped when I saw some of the prices!) and then we were presented with the bill of just over £3000. The woman who did all the arranging with us was very good and told us that everything would be taken care of, but I did balk at the cost of the minister - around £200 for half an hour! How do they justify these prices?

After arranging the funeral for nearly four weeks time I bought a local paper so we could put an announcement in and let friends know. It was then time for a quick lunch, and back to her flat to see the warden about paying any rent that was outstanding and then back to the hospital to pick up the death certificate which was ready.

Again, the woman dealing with this was very helpful and sympathetic and called to make us an appointment to register the death which we can't do until Thursday. We've decided to clear the flat out over Wednesday and Thursday as next week is half term and we really couldn't delay doing it until the week after. Mum, Dad and I will stop overnight in Dartford as there's just no way we can keep driving up and down the motorways.

Back at the flat we had another go at finding her birth certificate and although we came across some lovely old photos and a newspaper from VE Day, we didn't find it. I'm not sure we really need it to register the death but it must be in the flat somewhere as she has a current passport.

We headed back at just after 5pm and surprisingly had a very good run, despite being later than usual. It was bliss to finally get home (I drove both ways) and have a drink with Keith!

Sunday 19 May 2013

Here comes the sun...

This morning dawned bright and sunny which was different to what I'd been expecting! I'm not complaining though!

We were surprised to find that Abi had gone home last night and hadn't stayed over as expected. We let Sophie have a long lie in as she's had some late nights recently and I did some work in the house before going out, cutting the lawn and tidying up the back garden.

I did manage to rouse her and persuade her to go to the gym with me for a swim, though! We swam for about half and hour and then had lunch in the was just like old times! I'd arranged to pick Mum up at 2.30pm so we sped over to her house and then drove to Beckworth Emporium for a cup of tea and a mooch about the plant nursery. The sun was beautiful and warm and it was lovely to wander about having a look at some of the beautiful plants they have for sale. Sophie persuaded me to buy some daisy like flowers to put in a basket and a very pretty deep pink plant that will sit in a tub of its own.

Mum invited us both in for a quick drink and then it was home to help Keith cook dinner and have a good chat about the week ahead. It's going to be a busy one!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Life goes on...

Mum and Dad came around this afternoon to talk about plans for the week ahead and we decided that we'd all go down to Kent on Monday to sort out the funeral. There will be a lot to do in the coming weeks and I hope I'll be able to help Mum out and support her.

Sophie was at work as usual and when she'd finished at 4pm I brought her friend Abi home with us as well as she was staying overnight to watch Eurovision. Just after getting home I went for a walk over the fields to tackle two hills  in a bid to start getting fit for my walk up Ben Nevis in September. It was a cloudy, grey day and I was totally alone on the walk, I didn't even see anyone walking in the distance! It was lovely to be on my own, though, and I felt as if I'd had a good workout. Sometimes you don't need the gym!

Keith and I went off to the pub when I got back and ordered a Chinese takeway from the van in the village. We then had a very pleasant hour and a half chatting to an old friend in the pub and catching up with each others news. Just before we left a coach drew up outside with about 50 football supporters who'd been down to Wembly to see the Northampton Cobblers play Bradford (we lost 3-0). They were festooned with hats, scarves and silly hats so it was a good time to leave and pick up our takeaway!

Sophie was looking forward to watching the Eurovision but Keith and I decided that it was really was too much of a fix so we stayed away and let the youngsters watch it on their own. James came around as well and devoured a pizza before going home at 10.30pm - I don't blame him! We didn't come last this time but we were pretty close!

RIP Edith French 1919-2013

My Mum called this morning to say that my Nan had died. She was naturally very upset as she'd wanted to be with her when she passed away but I knew that it would have been almost impossible to be with her as we live so far away.

I just felt a sense of relief that her suffering is over and I believe she's in a better place. I'd like to think she's now reunited with my Grandad who died in 1987. My Nan was lucky to have a long and healthy life and I only hope I get to the age of 93 and have as few health problems as she had. She lived a good life and had lots of friends and family near by so I'm hoping her funeral will be a celebration of her life.

It means that now Mum and I will have to arrange the funeral with the help of my Mum's brother and then sort out her flat which will take some time and will involve lots of travelling up and down to Kent. It will seem very strange when it's all over and there will no longer be the need for us to go so often.

Friday 17 May 2013

"A bit of a mooch."

Tonight Keith and I went for a "mooch" to three different pubs, one of which was somewhere I'd wanted to go for ages, The Three Horseshoes at Ecton.

Sophie was at a friend's house and Mikey was quite happy to amuse himself at home so off we went to Ecton first. From the outside the pub always looked cosy and welcoming but as we drove into the car park, Keith suddenly realised he'd been there before, for a friend's stag night...

We walked in and the thing that hit me first was the smell...not quite sure what it was but it wasn't pleasant. The white exterior carried on inside which was chilly and pretty bare. I was the only woman in there and Keith and I sat at the bar trying to ignore the little coterie of men who were gathered on the other side of the lounge. I asked for a glass of wine and was given a glass and a small bottle, which surprised me. Maybe they don't get many wine drinkers in the pub! Keith's beer looked like urine, but he said it was good and tasted much better than it looked!

For me, it was an utter disappointment! I'd been wanting to go to this pub for ages and I certainly won't be going back in a hurry. There was no warmth or welcoming atmosphere and as you can imagine, we hastily downed our drinks and decided to go to The Queen's Arms in Orlingbury.

This was very busy indeed but we managed to get a seat at the bar to enjoy our drinks. The barmaids were under a fair bit of pressure to keep up with demand so after one drink we left and Keith suggested we visit The Red Lion in Broughton, another pub I'd never been to before. We squeezed the car into a tiny space outside and walked in to find another load of men hogging the bar! Keith just about managed to get served and we sank onto a very low sofa which I thought I'd never get up from again!

Although the pub had recently been refurbished, there wasn't a lot of atmosphere, although the restaurant did look inviting so we may go back for a meal, you never know!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Saying goodbye?

Mum and I went down to Kent again today to see Nan as my uncle had visited yesterday and said that she wasn't looking good. We made good time and arrived at the hospital at lunchtime. Both of us were shocked by Nan's appearance and it can only be a matter of days now before she leaves this world for good.

She stayed mostly asleep while we were there and although we think she knew we were there, she didn't talk or wake up to acknowledge our presence. It was heartbreaking to see her so frail and ill and if ever there was a case for euthanasia, then this is it. We wouldn't treat a beloved pet like this so why do we keep the terminally ill alive and prolong their suffering? I don't think she was in a great deal of pain but she did occasionally cry out and the nurse upped the dosage of morphine for her. We're just hoping that she will be able to go into a hospice very soon as although the nurses are doing a wonderful job, she really needs to be in a place where the staff are trained to deal with someone at the end of their life.

We left earlier than normal as there wasn't much point in staying until our normal time of 4.30pm and I don't know if this is the last time I'll ever see my Nan alive.

In the evening I went out with a friend for a meal and as Keith drove us, I was able to have a drink (or two!). We went to a Chinese restaurant near to where Lynda lives and had a delicious meal with a couple of glasses of red wine. We had a good old gossip and certainly put the world to rights over sweet and sour chicken and crispy seaweed!

Wednesday 15 May 2013


Sophie told me today that her braces were causing her a lot of pain as the metal was rubbing against her gums and making them bleed. She asked whether I could make an appointment with the Orthodontist for today, which I thought was pretty impossible!

I promised I would call from work to make an appointment and she must have been in great discomfort as she called me again to plead with me to get it sorted out. I duly called the dentist and was told she could come in on the 5 June, as I had imagined, but when I explained the situation the Receptionist managed to fit Sophie in later this morning, which was great!

I called her at school where she was putting the finishing touches to her photography exam and said that I'd managed to get her an appointment this morning and that Keith would pick her up in half an hour. I couldn't believe it when she said there was no way she could attend as she had too much stuff to do at school! Could I make it for tomorrow?

Well, I was speechless and told her that she had no choice to go today and to get her butt in gear and finish what she was doing - no she couldn't go tomorrow! When Keith got back from taking her, which wasn't long, he said that two of her friends had gone in with her, to hold her hand!

I'm sure that teenage brains are wired in such a way that they can only think of themselves and no-one else! Sophie seems to be excelling at this at the moment - whatever planet she's on, I want to be there as well!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Where has summer gone?

Sophie is on study leave from school now but informed me last night that she had to get all her photos printed off before the deadline on Wednesday. This meant that after work we had to go to Timpson's again to get three of her photos printed but I also had two of her friends along with us, all doing the same thing. I was just there to pay so it was a lot of hanging around as Sophie and the girls sorted out which sizes they wanted.

The woman in Timpson's is incredibly helpful and friendly and we had a good chat about converting video to DVD which I am thinking of doing with my wedding footage. A big group of people came in to have their passport photos done which was done very quickly and efficiently - I was impressed!

With Sophie's photos printed off, I gave one of her friends a lift home and then it was back home ourselves and I had a soak in the bath as I was so cold! We even put the heating on tonight as it was cold, grey and miserable outside...where has summer gone?

Monday 13 May 2013

I love, and hate, Mondays!

So, another weekend has sped past and it's Monday again. On one hand I do like the fact that we're not open on a Monday as it gives us a breathing space to get things done at work and we don't have to worry about staff not turning up or customers being difficult, but it does mean it's cleaning day...grrr!

We had people in sorting out the burglar alarm and a man cleaning the carpets so it felt like we were still busy, and we even had a couple of customers wandering in asking if we were, does it look like we're open??

I escaped to the bank at lunchtime and bought myself some soup for lunches this week. I'm not the biggest breakfast eater so I'd already made sure I had muesli in the cupboard to eat rather than snack on biscuits like I usually do! I need to get myself organised so I don't get hungry and then reach for the nearest food...if at work, the pile of glistening, just cooked chips are always a temptation!

I went to the gym alone again after work and did about 45 minutes of exercise before relaxing in the spa. I have to admit my legs ached a bit when I got home so I must be doing something!

Sunday 12 May 2013

I take the plunge!

This morning I booked to climb Ben Nevis in September! I thought that if I didn't do something about it, then I never would, so the hotel is booked and I'm being guided up the mountain with Adventure Nevis as I'd never feel comfortable trying to do it on my own, despite the fact there is a well-worn path. I just need to lose some weight and work hard in the gym!

I went swimming at lunchtime (without Sophie who felt ill) and swam for 30 minutes before heading to the spa to relax. It was then home for a quick bite to eat and then out into the garden to tidy up our very messy front garden. It started to rain, which was a pain, so I stuck it out for a while by planting my baskets and tubs, but I had to admit defeat when it became relentless!

Mikey was out with his friends again and when I picked him up he was very damp indeed! It was the sort of evening to put the fire on and curl up on the sofa with the TV and a good glass of red!

Saturday 11 May 2013

May showers!

Today the weather has been very interesting with stormy skies, torrential downpours and a rainbow! I think we're having April showers in May!

Sophie was due in at work an hour earlier than normal, so Keith and I dropped her off and then went to Jones's where I bought a few bits for work and some essential stuff for home (Sophie gave me a list of her requirements).

Back home I had lunch and then went to the garden centre to buy some more compost and some plants for the baskets at the front of the house. I quite enjoyed myself wandering around and taking the time to look at things I wanted to look at for a change! I treated myself to two new books and some beer for's amazing what you can buy in a garden centre these days!

To make up for my sloth yesterday I went to the gym and worked hard. I bought myself a heart rate monitor the other day and I'm finding it great for keeping my heart rate in the zone for optimum weight loss. This afternoon I went onto a treadmill next to a man jogging and was amazed to see that his heart rate was exactly the same as mine, even though he was jogging quite fast and I was walking! I was impressed! It then dawned on me that his treadmill was picking up the signal from my monitor as he wasn't touching the equipment at all! I did wonder what he thought but I'm just hoping he didn't notice!

I did all my weights plus the crosstrainer, treadmill and bike and then went down for a swim. The pool was busy with lots of children but I had the slow lane to myself which was a bonus...although it might have been the perfume I was wearing, you never know!

My session finished with a relaxing (and well deserved) spell in the spa and then it was time to pick Sophie up from work and head home for dinner and a wee drink!

Friday 10 May 2013

The gremlins run amok...

Today has been horrible - nothing really bad has happened, it's just been a series of niggling problems and I'm really glad it's over!

I knew it was going to be a bad day when I arrived at work and mum told me that she'd had to clear up a load of rubbish that had spilled out of one of the black bags. It looked like one of our staff had left the bag outside our big skip and our naughty crows had torn it open and then scattered the contents all over the car park...hmmm!

We then took delivery of one of our food orders that took ages to put away when all I wanted to do was ease into the day and drink several cups of coffee! At 10am we realised that Polly wasn't coming in and had gone to a funeral (as she had casually mentioned to us a few days ago) and that one of our weekend girls was covering her job...

I phoned Keith to ask him if he could come to Booker with me so that Mum could stay at work to make sure everything was running OK as the sky looked very threatening and rain was forecast...why couldn't it have been sunny and hot and then we would have been very quiet?!

Keith and I went off to the bank and Booker and when we arrived back at work it was very busy indeed! Dad had come in to help, even though he was supposed to have been having today off work, and I'm so glad he did as it just became busier and busier! The afternoon passed in a blur of serving customers, washing up and clearing tables and I didn't get away until 5.30pm, after having a short sharp argument with Sophie about my role as her chief taxi driver...I think it's about time she started taking driving lessons and then she can drive herself all over the place, like she expects me to do!

By the time we got to the gym it was almost 6pm so we gave up on a workout and just went down to the spa instead, but even that didn't help to soothe my grumpiness as it usually does, as someone had put the lights full on and it was full of noisy people! We beat a hasty retreat and went home, where I felt like just going to bed and putting an end to the day!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Return of the rain

Wednesday 8 May

Well, the weather broke today with grey skies and rain and much cooler temperatures. I knew it wouldn't last!

Today has been uneventful so not much to say at all! It was the usual routine - Keith and I in at work, a visit to the gym with Sophie (who didn't do a lot!) and then home for dinner, which was a hot chicken curry. I wish there was more to say but some (most!) days are like this and then it's quite hard to write this blog!

Thursday 9 May

Mum and I went down to Kent today to see Nan who is really ill. We both had a shock when we saw her in bed in a private room off the ward. I became very upset as it really looked as if she didn't have much time left with us at all and it was horrible to see her look so poorly. However, she did perk up a little bit and ate some food while we were there, which was a good sign.

The doctor came to see us and took us to one of the offices to have a chat about what was happening. The blunt truth is that she isn't going to get better as her heart is failing and her kidneys have stopped working. All they can do is make her comfortable and transfer her to a hospice. Both Mum and I knew that this was the case but it was still sad to hear the words from the doctor, who was very understanding. He said, that at 93, she was still very alert and strong so she could go on for a while yet, but to be honest, neither of us want to see her suffer unduly so we hope that the end comes soon. I can't bear to see her like this and only want to remember her how she was - immaculately turned out and always on the go.

We had a slow journey home and then I have to admit I had a couple of very large vodka and tonics!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Back to work...grrr!

Getting up early to go in and do the cleaning at work was a bit of a shock this morning after our long day yesterday!

I did find out what the noise was, though! One of our warships, HMS Montrose, was doing exercises off the coast off North Wales prior to the ship being deployed, so that explains the loud booming noises! Nobody was told, however, and the police and coastguards were inundated with calls from worried residents wondering what on earth was going on! Not a sea monster then, as we feared!

Of course, yesterday was a Bucket List day, so another one has been crossed off the list:

  1. Visit Saltaire near Bradford - a Victorian model village built by Sir Titus Salt for his mill workers. 
  2. Drive to Berlin (maybe a bit dodgy this one but I'm going to persevere).
  3. Visit a UK Christmas Market.
  4. Walk through Dovedale in the Peak District.
  5. Make a Christmas cake.
  6. Write a short story - it's about time I got back into my writing.
  7. Visit Coton Manor Gardens.
  8. Climb at least one of the highest mountains in the UK - either Scafell Pike, Ben Nevis or Snowdon ( to get that treadmill at the gym on a higher incline...)
  9. Visit Portmeirion in Wales.
  10. Ride one of the scarier roller coasters when we visit Florida, but NOT the Hulk!
  11. Visit the National Gallery.
  12. Read Wuthering Heights.
  13. Grow a Sunflower from seed.
I'm also hoping to cross off number 13, as I planted lots of sunflower seeds on Sunday...hopefully one will grow!

Monday 6 May 2013


I'd been watching the weather forecasts carefully as I really wanted to visit Portmeirion in North Wales today. To appreciate the full beauty of the place you need blue skies and sunshine and I didn't want to go if there was a risk of grey clouds and rain!

Luckily, the whole area was forecast to be bathed in Spring sun so we firmed up the plans, much to the annoyance of Mikey who blatantly did not want to go. However, there was no question of him staying at home as I knew we would be back late and I just wouldn't enjoy the day if I kept thinking about him at home alone, despite my parents being two minutes away.

So, with a grumpy Mikey and a sleepy Sophie in the back of my little Audi we set off at just after 8am. We called into McDonald's first to appease the children with breakfast and then I filled up with diesel. Keith navigated me brilliantly even though we had Gladys with us as well. The traffic at first was very light, especially on the M6, but as we joined the A5 it became heavier as people made for the coast.

Almost as soon as we were into Wales, the scenery became stunning. Keith took me on a very narrow road right through the Snowdonia National Park and the mountainous landscape took our breath away. There were sheep everywhere and it delighted the children when they were grazing by the side of the road and then skittered away as the car approached!

We arrived at Portmeirion at lunchtime, four hours after we set off so it was a fair journey! The weather had held and the whole area was bathed in beautiful sunshine. Portmeirion was designed and built by the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis between 1925 and 1975 in the style of an Italian village and is truly beautiful. Of course, it is also famous for the setting of "The Prisoner" which was filmed in the 1960s, starring Patrick McGoohan.

Luckily the place wasn't crowded so we wandered around and then had lunch in a small cafe which specialised in ice-cream much to the children's delight! It really did feel like we were on holiday in Italy and it was strange to think we were actually in North Wales!

After lunch we walked down to the beach and the children attempted to go into the sea but it was freezing and the water looked quite deep. The views over the Traeth Bach estuary were stunning and I could have sat and gazed at the scenery all afternoon.

There was beauty everywhere you looked and it was a photographer's dream! Looking back at the village it really did resemble an Italian village perched on an outcrop overlooking the sea...

We wandered along the beach and we were so glad the tide was out as we could really appreciate the beauty of the estuary.

The sand was very hard and littered with little shells and seaweed. We walked around the headland and another vista opened up before us, with rocky outcrops, little pools of water and flaming yellow gorse bushes.

We had great fun clambering over the rocks and looking for crabs and then we made our way up to the woodland walk which led back down to the village. There were huge bushes of what looked like rhododendrons everywhere and the flowers were gorgeous...

It was very peaceful and every now and again we'd glimpse those gorgeous views through the trees - it's a stunning place to visit on a sunny day and I was so glad we'd made the journey. Back at the village we sat in the sun in the main square which had a fountain and pool and just relaxed. It really did feel like we were abroad!

While we'd been at Portmeirion, we'd kept hearing loud booming noises and we had no idea what the sound was. On our way out, we asked one of the staff at the admissions desk but he didn't know either, which was a bit alarming! I was reluctant to leave (there are self-catering cottages available and I would love to come back to explore the whole area) but the time was getting on and I wanted to drive along the coast through Harlech, where I'd visited on a school visit when I was about ten. I remembered the gorgeous coastline and the imposing castle standing looking out to the sea.

Well, my memories must have been a little out, as Harlech castle was surrounded by houses and was a fair way from the sea! It just goes to show that memory can't be relied on, although it was about 35 years ago!

We followed the coast road through Harlech and then the village of Llanbedr where I stayed in a Youth Hostel - oh, what a great time we had then! The village was a lot bigger than I remembered and we didn't find the Youth Hostel, but I really would like to go back one day and explore a bit more, preferably without two grumpy children!

Before we reached Barmouth we turned off the main road and drove to the beach, and what a beach it was! Wide, sandy and miles long, it was perfect for sunbathing and building sandcastles (or digging holes, which is what my two did!).

How old are they?!

The booming sounds we'd been hearing all afternoon were still there and it was quite creepy as the noise seemed to be coming from the sea itself. We asked a woman strolling along the beach with her son if she knew, but she was as ignorant as we were so we really did start to feel alarmed! We also heard a man telling his wife that he'd Google the noise when they got home so it was a real mystery!

Again, we reluctantly left the beautiful beach and Keith plotted our route home. The plan was to stop after about two hours for a pub meal and I'd hoped we wouldn't be too far from home. However, the traffic had other ideas! Before half an hour had passed we'd slowed down because of roadworks, which held us up for nearly an hour. We then found the road we wanted was closed so we were forced to make a long diversion. On the way, Keith spotted a tiny little road snaking up into the hills so onto it we went and that was certainly an adventure as we wound right up through fields of sheep and dry stone walls. The scenery was spectacular with views for miles and miles. The kids wondered where on earth we were taking them but it did mean that we got back onto the road we originally wanted, despite the bumpy ride!

As it was now past 7pm and we'd been driving for three hours and were still in Wales (!) we decided to stop for a bite to eat. I stopped the car and we called up the AA pub guide app on my phone which recommended a pub called The Old Hand and Diamond in Coedway, near Shrewsbury. We entered the postcode into Gladys who took us there by a very narrow winding route, through yet more fields of sheep!

The pub was as good as we'd hoped and we had a great meal. Keith and I chose lamb (what else in Wales?) while Sophie had chicken and Mikey had lasagne. I was so glad I'd downloaded the AA guide as we would never have found it on our own and it would have meant coming off the busy A5 and trying to find something which has always proved difficult in the past!

We had a much faster drive after our stop and pulled onto the drive at 10.30pm. It had been a very long day, but I enjoyed every minute!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Garden duties!

This morning, on the way to pick Sophie up from her friend's house, Keith and I popped in to see Mum and Dad to catch up, as they'd been away for the week in Norfolk. They gave us some yummy presents - beer for Keith, vodka for me and chocolates for the children...they can go away more often!

We had a good chat and then went to collect our daughter who looked very tired and a bit hungover...serves her right! We took her home and then Keith and I pottered about the garden, raking up most of the dead leaves from our gravelled area and cutting back some plants that looked in a sorry state. At 12pm we drove Mikey to Brixworth as he wanted to meet some of his friends - this is the problem with living in the country...the kids have to be driven everywhere as there are certainly no buses on a Sunday!

In the afternoon Mum and I went to the garden centre for afternoon tea and I bought a load of plants to add some colour. I chose violas, geraniums and a couple of plants that will flower and make the garden more attractive throughout the summer, and will hopefully attract bees!

Back home I spent almost two hours putting them all in and then went and relaxed with a film and a glass of something long and cold...tomorrow is another holiday and we're off to Wales for the day!

Saturday 4 May 2013

Watching bats

Today I have mostly driven about, being an unofficial taxi driver.

Sophie and her friend Abi wanted to be picked up from work early as we were very quiet, due to the weather, although there were a few heavy showers about in the afternoon. I took them home and then they started getting ready for the party they were going to - 5 hours to get made up? Mikey also had an outing planned - into town with some friends to go shopping and see a film.

I left them to it and went to the gym for a 45 minute swim which was lovely. I certainly felt like I'd done something when I got out of the pool and went to relax in the spa! Back home, two more of Sophie's friends had arrived so I retreated into my bedroom to watch "Twister", which brought back happy memories of Universal!

At 7pm I took the four very excited and giggly girls into town to one of their friend's houses and dropped them off, saying the latest I would pick them up would be midnight...groan!

It was almost 8pm by the time I arrived back home to find Mikey still out and no word as to when he would be back. I called his mobile but it went straight to voicemail so naturally I started worrying! Keith told me to stop and within a few minutes he'd replied to my text to say he was on his way home.

After dinner, just as it was getting dark I went out into the garden with Monty and we watched the bats flying about. Well, I did...Monty just sat there and miaowed. It was a beautiful evening and very quiet, just what I needed after my busy day!

I received a text from Sophie saying that the girls wanted to be picked up at 11pm so off I went and my daughter had turned into a very giggly tipsy one indeed! Her friend James had also been to the party but he was on his motorbike so he went ahead to Charlotte's house where they were all going to sleep over...hmmm! My daughter is certainly growing up!

Friday 3 May 2013

Gym bliss!

As ever, this week has flown by and it's Friday again...and a Bank Holiday weekend to boot! Hopefully the beautiful weather we've had all week will continue for the next few days!

We were exceptionally quiet at work so Keith and I did the usual Friday chores without worrying about getting back to help over lunchtime. Despite Sophie promising me she would come to the gym after work, she said she couldn't go without her earphones, which one of her friends had borrowed. I suggested a walk, which was met with rolling eyes, so I took her home and went to the gym by myself.

I was glad I did as I had a great time listening to my music and catching the start of Pointless which I enjoy. As I was heading back to the changing rooms I met Liam and we had a chat about wine (as usual!) and I said how much I'd enjoyed last Saturday night as it was so relaxed. I think rather than the wine evenings we'll just hold informal suppers and drinks lots of wine instead! Sarah also appeared so we chatted about her plans to do a 5K run in June and then I went off to the spa to have a truly relaxing session in the bubbly warm water! Bliss!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Enough is enough!

This week has been beautiful with lots of sun and warm temperatures so we've been very quiet at work. Keith and I planned to go to Ikea in the early evening to take back an inflatable ladybird I'd bought last week and which had a part missing. As Sophie's beau was due around again we said we'd take Mikey with us and then go to Bella Italia on the way home for a meal (I had vouchers!).

As soon as I picked Sophie up from school we went home and I asked her to put the hoover around to help. She looked at me like I'd just dropped out of a dog's bottom and flounced off saying that she didn't have much time to get ready now...

We then told her that we'd treated her and James to a Tesco Finest meal of meatballs, mashed potatoes and gooey puds. Well! You'd think we'd bought her a plate of tripe by the way she reacted to this news! "I wanted pizza!" she moaned which certainly made our blood boil! How ungrateful is that!

At 5pm we left her wallowing in the bath and set out for Milton Keynes. Unfortunately, before we'd even reached the A43 we'd had an argument with Mikey about sausages and he was so rude to both of us that we turned the car around, took him home and left him there, much to his and Sophie's disgust.

We really have had enough now of the constant arguing and bickering that's been going on since we returned from Florida. Sophie seems to be constantly making demands on us while Mikey spends most of his time in a mood. We've been thinking of booking next year's holiday this week but at the moment Keith and I are seriously thinking of going away on our own and leaving both children at home. Next year, Sophie will be 18 and we did wonder whether she would want to go away with us, but with her recent attitude, the problem seems to be resolved!

We went to Ikea and had a good look around in peace. It was actually blissful to be away from both children for a few hours so maybe we all need a break from each other. On the way home we drove to Sixfields and realised that the Cobblers were playing so the car parks were heaving. Luckily, the Bella Italia car park had loads of spaces as they controlled who could park there so we parked and walked into a very quiet restaurant indeed. We had a delicious meal, with assorted breads and a balsamic vinegar and oil dip to start followed by chicken for Keith and a breaded escalope for me served with spaghetti and roasted vegetables. We managed to fit in gorgeous gooey desserts and then called into the pub for a nightcap before facing the music at home.

Mikey ignored us and disappeared off to his room so it looks like he'll be in a "moopat" (my made up word for his moods) for a while to I bovvered??? No!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Getting dirty!

Sophie disappeared off to her friend's house tonight so rather than go to the gym on my own, on such a glorious day, I went home and worked in the garden for two hours. Keith cut down one of our shrubs that was a casualty of the winter snow while I weeded the borders and then cut the lawn. I pottered about, enjoying the sunshine and was really pleased with how the garden looked after we finished. We even sat outside with Monty for a short while and soaked up the sun. Bliss!

Dinner was just the two of us as Mikey wasn't happy with our choice (which was actually Sophie's choice!) so he had a toastie...once there were four, then there were three and now it's only two!

At 9pm I received a call from Sophie asking if I could pick her up at 10pm from her friend's house as she was having such a great time...I am definitely going to put a taxi sign on my car!