Saturday 22 July 2017


Both Sophie and I were at work today so I dropped her off and then started at 10am, which was a little bonus after my late night!

We had a steady stream of customers in the shop and in the afternoon I went out and did some deliveries. I just missed a heavy shower and as the day wore on, the weather became worse. I felt sorry for all the weddings and parties that were being held today and all the numerous events being held over the county. Blooming British weather!

I finished at around 5pm but we had a little tasting of a Saxby's cider before I went. We'd already tasted the Plum and Rhubarb which were both delicious, and we tried their traditional cider which was also very good. The rain was very heavy by now and I sloshed home through loads of puddles peering at the towering clouds above me!

I had about twenty minutes before we set off to collect Mike from Brixworth and then Sophie from work. Before we left we called the Chinese van in the village and ordered a take-away for collection. The idea was to keep it warm in the oven while we enjoyed a drink and then eat a bit later. I didn't fancy having to go back out again!

Keith had to stand and wait for our meal with an umbrella and I thought again of all the people we'd delivered to who had parties and events planned. After dinner we watched a news series on Netflix called Ozark. It looks set to be very good!

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