Friday 7 July 2017

Early morning wobbles...

Driving into work today I felt horrible - really anxious and dreading the day ahead - so I decided not to go, something I wouldn't normally do. I texted James the manager and returned home where Keith was not that happy about what I'd done. I honestly felt like I didn't want to go back but after a chat with him and Sophie, I agreed to return on Saturday morning and work the rest of July as we'd agreed. I really wish I enjoyed this job but I don't and it does make me worry if I'll ever find employment that I truly love.

I did some ironing while Keith went for a walk and Sophie and I sat out in the garden as it's been a beautiful day. In the afternoon we went to see Maureen as Sophie had bought her a bottle of Rum and we wanted to hear all about her holiday in Vietnam. We stayed for half an hour and it was boiling hot inside the building. I don't miss those temperatures!

Afterwards, we took Mike to an interview at the Willow Tree cafe at Brixworth Country Park and while he was seeing the manager we popped to the village to go to the Co-op. We returned literally fifteen minutes later and waited...and waited. After 45 minutes and an ice-cream I was beginning to wonder where on earth he was and then he sent us a message...he'd gone to the village for some reason! His interview had barely lasted five minutes and instead of waiting for us outside he'd wandered off!

Back home we had a lovely evening sipping wine and watching Bridget Jones's Baby. Bliss!

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