Wednesday 31 March 2021


Day 86

We've enjoyed another beautiful day but the forecast is for much colder weather to arrive at the end of the week, and over the Easter weekend.

I went out into the front garden this morning and mowed our verge which was looking very healthy. All plans to put down grass seed have been postponed, as next Monday the temperatures are set to plunge to -2! Keith came out to help and we had a very sociable session, chatting to Michelle, and then our postman who is always very friendly and helpful. He had a parcel for Sophie which she was expecting from her old manager, as well as poll cards for May. I have no idea who we'll be voting for, so I'd better do some research!

Keith and I turned over the soil, did a fair bit of weeding, and swept up all the debris, and the front garden looked a lot better - in my opinion anyway. Keith said he wanted to gravel over the area and put down pots of plants. I said that the birds loved our cherry tree, and it would be sad to tear up the bushes, so we've put any plans on hold for the time being. I just think we need to add some new shrubs and a lot more colour!

We migrated around to the back garden and managed to get the rest of the old Virginia Creeper into the bin. There's still a lot to do around there, but it'll have to wait! I dug over the corner border, and we've decided to grass it for the time being. The robin was out with us a lot of the time and was eying up the dug-over soil with interest! I saw a lot of worms in there! Every now and then we sat down and enjoyed the sunshine which was a bit hazier today. We could certainly see the improvements we've made over the last few weeks. 

Before we went to get Mike from work, we both had a shower as we felt grubby from being in the garden. When we drove over to the golf club, the temperature was registering 27c in the car, hotter than it really was, no doubt, but apparently, this week has been the hottest March since 1968!

Which brings me to the news... while I was getting dressed after showering, there was footage from a park in Nottingham where - I hate to say it - hordes of young people had been gathering, drinking, fighting, vandalising trees, and leaving acres of litter behind. I was shocked at the scenes of huge numbers of people gathered together and ignoring the social distancing rules. What is wrong with some people in our country? We see a bit of sun and a lot of us go mad! Driving to get Mike there were some people who were barely dressed! Next week, it'll be different!

When Sophie arrived home this evening she eagerly opened her parcel, but looked at the contents in confusion! She had thought it was from her old manager, but it was a moon ornament that lit up, with her name etched onto it. On the packaging, it said something like "Let me take you on a romantic trip to the moon", hardly something her manager would have said!

Then the penny dropped. The moon ornament was from her boyfriend for a birthday present, and her manager's gift had been delivered to the house across the road by mistake! She went to retrieve it and found it had been left outside their house, and they were oblivious to it being there! Back home she opened it to find four bottles of Le Chouffe beer and a glass. Next Monday we should have been in Wimereux drinking it at a seaside bar! Ho hum!

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