Friday 5 March 2021

The grey continues...

Day 60

This week continues to be grey and dreary which is a huge disappointment. It's supposed to be much colder tomorrow as well, not really what we wanted to hear!

Keith and I popped to Tesco this morning, and I bought the ingredients to make a fruit clafoutis on Sunday. It's something I've always wanted to make, so I hope it turns out to be OK!

Sophie was home by 4pm again, but she was unable to log into the quiz that's held every week, so she took the opportunity to do a workout. Keith had prepared a Chilli con Carne for dinner so we opted for a bottle of red wine this evening, and watched a film called 28 Days starring Sandra Bullock and a very youthful Dominic West! We thought the film was a romcom, but it had a very dark side to it!

Our meal was delicious and after we'd eaten we caught up with the latest episode of Masterchef. Sophie admires the food critic Grace Dent, and she had given the contestants a brief to make an old-fashioned pudding with a modern twist. All four of them did really well, so not much entertainment value there then!

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