Wednesday 10 March 2021

A surprise delivery!

Day 65

The promised bad weather arrived today and it's been windy and rainy all day. As far as I know, this isn't a named storm, but the conditions have certainly been bad!

Keith and I went and did all of our food shopping today as I needed some coffee and I thought, in my ignorance, that it would be quieter on a Wednesday. I was wrong! I bought gifts for my Mum for the forthcoming Mother's Day on Sunday, and by 11am we were driving home. On the way, Keith and I discussed our front door and the possibility of adding a porch. We have a tiled roof over the door with two wooden struts supporting it, but the wood needs sorting out and painting as it has deteriorated over the twenty years we have lived here. I mentioned to Keith that some of the other houses had built internal doors to keep the draughts out so we drove around the estate to have a look. Our hallway is always cold if the wind is coming from the east, so a new porch would certainly make it warmer!

Imagine our surprise when we rounded the corner and saw the headboard we'd ordered some time back propped up against our front door in the wind and rain! It was supposed to be arriving tomorrow! We quickly brought it in and then unpacked all the shopping. Before we did anything else we had breakfast as both of us hadn't eaten yet and I desperately wanted a coffee! 

Once we'd had a very late breakfast we went upstairs and removed the old headboard. It was very hard work moving the bed as the castors had sunk into the new carpet we put down last year! However, after a lot of grunting and effort, we managed to get the old headboard off and brought the new one in. Luckily it was encased in heavy plastic so hadn't been affected by the elements! After more effort, it was attached to the bed and looked great!

We put the old headboard in the garage ready to be taken to the tip later in the week. As we did the shopping today I kept thinking that it was Thursday!

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