Tuesday 23 March 2021

I am jabbed!

Day 78

Today has been quite a momentous day - it's the anniversary of the UK going into lockdown, and also I was due to get my jab this morning!

I was a bit nervous, to be honest, as I didn't know how it would affect me. I had heard stories of some people having to retire to their beds for a couple of days (Mike said he felt unwell) but Keith was fine, as were my parents. 

Keith and I set off early as we needed to pop to the post office for Sophie, but the road leading to the shops was closed in Brixworth, so we carried on to the branch at Whitehills, which is a lot friendlier anyway. I had to wait for a while in the queue, but we were still too early to arrive at the vaccination centre. We parked outside the very empty, huge, Nationwide offices on Moulton Park, which looked deserted...

Ten minutes before my appointment, we drove to the centre and I was directed into a car park. It was extremely busy with people constantly arriving and leaving. After a series of checks and lots of questions, I queued up to get my jab, which was the Astra Zeneca vaccination. It was over within a matter of minutes and as I emerged from the building I realised that everyone outside was taking part in the minute's silence to remember all the people who had died from Covid. I was glad that today was sunny and mild!

After sitting in the car for a few minutes and chatting to Sophie who was on her lunch break, Keith and I headed to Beckworth Emporium. We were hoping that they had their lovely turkeys for sale as we wanted one for Easter, which is approaching very quickly. Sadly, they had none, and after I'd bought some crackers, hummus and a bottle of wine, we returned home.

The news headlines today were about a fine for travelling abroad without good reason. From next Monday anyone travelling without a valid excuse will be fined £5000. I could hardly believe it! It's like something out of a futuristic film! Our government are very worried about a "third wave" sweeping over Europe, and also the possibility of new variants entering the country. France is about to go on the "red" list, so there would have been absolutely no chance of us going to Wimereux in a little over two weeks' time! I am glad we have postponed to April of next year!

Keith and I spent the afternoon pottering about and I felt fine. I prepared tonight's meal which was a beefy pasta bake, and although the rest of the family enjoyed it, I was a bit disappointed. It didn't have that much taste in my opinion! As the night wore on I kept expecting to get a headache or feel really tired, but nothing... long may it continue!

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