Monday 8 March 2021

A busy Monday!

Day 63

Keith and I went to Aldi and Tesco first thing this morning. I had some shopping to do for my parents, and once we'd bought everything we needed, we dropped the bag into the care home for them. I said I wouldn't visit during the week again, and this was reinforced this morning when we were held up by diggers and big trucks yet again. It's not the builders' fault as it's a working site, but it can be annoying! Amazingly, a woman was walking around the site with her small child! Surely there are better places to walk?!

Back home I tidied up and had a cup of coffee, before venturing into the garden. I am aware of March passing by quite rapidly, and we had planned on clearing away all the Virginia Creeper and making everything tidy. Although cloudy, it's remained dry all day so Keith and I tackled as much as we could, filling our brown bin right to the top. I raked up loads of dead leaves from the gravel and cut back some straggly dead fronds from a plant that displays beautiful orange flowers. A lot of the plants had been strangled by dead leaves so we cleared those away as well. At least we've made a start!

We also filled two bags with dead branches, and decided that we would wait until our brown bin is emptied this week before doing any more. Tomorrow is set to be dry again, but then the weather is going to change on Wednesday and Thursday with a warning out for high winds.

I spent the rest of the afternoon making a Mulligatawny soup for our evening meal, and soon the kitchen was filled with delicious smells! I chopped up an onion, carrot, swede and an apple and sweated them with a knob of butter before adding beef stock, tomato puree, mango chutney and curry powder. While the soup was simmering gently on the hob, I hoovered downstairs and tidied up.

Sophie helped me put the refinishing touches to the soup, and I also started on a fruit and almond clafoutis. I mixed eggs, flour, ground almonds, sugar and cream and kept the batter in the fridge before lining a buttered dish with frozen berries. Once we had eaten the soup I poured the batter over the fruit and popped it into the oven for half an hour. Both the soup and the dessert were lovely, but next time I'm going to use cherries instead, as the batter wasn't completely solid. It still tasted delicious though!

After we'd eaten we settled down to watch the Meghan Markle interview and opinions were definitely divided in our house!

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