Thursday 4 March 2021

Pottering about!

Day 59

Keith and I have spent another day pottering about, and not doing much. When the weather was lovely and spring-like last week, I really wanted to get out and do things, but this week, with the grey, dismal skies and chilly wind, I've just felt like staying indoors! We are barely out of winter, I suppose, so there's plenty of time!

Mike is off work now for a few days so at least Keith hasn't got to get up early, take him and then pick him up. We are psyching ourselves up for next week when the schools return, but at least it will only be for three days! 

As I said, we pottered about today doing some chores, but there really is only so much cleaning I can do (or want to do!). When Sophie came home we relaxed in front of the television for half an hour with a drink, and then we both prepared tonight's dinner of fish pie with loads of veggies. The dish is not my favourite, but it went down well with the rest of my family who gobbled it down!

Keith disappeared upstairs to watch the football after dinner and Sophie and I watched a documentary on Netflix about murders in the Mormon church back in the 1980s. It was a bit strange, to say the least!

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