Sunday 7 March 2021

The sun appears!

Day 62

We enjoyed a delicious breakfast of oven-baked pastries this morning and had a lazy start to the day. Outside the weather was cold and grey yet again, but it did brighten up in the afternoon with the sun showing its face and lovely blue skies. Looking at the forecast, we have some wild and stormy weather coming to us in the middle part of next week, though!

After having our weekly face mask and a shower, Sophie and I went for a walk into the village. It was much milder this afternoon and I didn't need to wear a coat! We walked up to the "triangle" and back again and signs of spring were everywhere - from the tight little buds on the trees to the daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops in the verges. Beautiful! As usual, now, a lot of people were also out and about enjoying the late afternoon sunshine.

Back home Sophie made me a Negroni and we played a couple of games of Scrabble in the conservatory while Keith took care of dinner this evening. He cooked a delicious roast beef joint with all the trimmings and it made a lovely change. Sophie and I are planning a Thai red curry for next week, though, so that should be interesting!

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