Thursday 11 March 2021

I take a tumble...

Day 66

It has still been windy today but there was a lot less rain and we even saw some sunshine! Today had been left free to do lots of housework, which is exactly what I did... all day!

First thing, I prepared tonight's meal - chicken in a honey and mustard sauce (we bought the sauce) - and I chopped up all the veggies to go with it. That has all I've seemed to do during this lockdown! Prepare mountains of vegetables and do lots of cooking! Not that I'm complaining!

Keith helped me clean the bathroom, and I hoovered upstairs and changed our bedding. Yesterday I had put loads of towels in the laundry basket to wash so our kitchen floor resembled a launderette where the piles were waiting to be put in the washing machine! Unfortunately, during one trip into the kitchen, I slipped on Monty's food bowl mat and went crashing to the floor, hurting my left leg and ankle. The mat is a thin sheet of plastic that acted like ice on the smooth tiled floor, and falling over really shook me up, as it brought it home to me how easily accidents can happen in the home.

Keith picked me up and made me sit down for a while but I have a feeling that tomorrow I will ache! However, falling over didn't stop me from cleaning the rest of the house, but I left hoovering downstairs until Mike came home from work! He has a habit of trailing bits of the golf course all over the house when he returns!

I cooked dinner in the evening and added some dumplings to the casserole. Delicious but it defeated Keith so there are lots left over for lunch tomorrow!

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