Monday 2 January 2023

The back to work blues

It was a bit of a shock when the alarm went off at 7.30am this morning! Tomorrow is going to be worse! I met up with Jo in the car park and we had a good chat as we walked to the office. There were just the two of us working today, and I was hoping it wouldn't be too busy as I had a lot to catch up with! My desk was covered in notes, and bits of paper, but I did receive two more Christmas cards and a bar of chocolate!

The phone lines opened at 9am and we were busier than I had expected, with a steady drip, drip of calls that made it difficult to get anything done. Annoyingly, a lot of calls were from people asking about our opening hours, information readily available on our website. Are people really that lazy that they can't find out the information for themselves?

It was a relief to get out at 2pm and take my Dad's car to be washed. I estimated the last time we'd done this was just before we went to Spain in September! It really needed a good scrub, and I bought myself a chicken pasta salad to eat at home as I hadn't taken any lunch with me.

Sophie has been out with her new boyfriend, Vikesh, today and they took the train to Birmingham to do some shopping and have lunch. She arrived home earlier than I had expected and seemed a lot happier today. She still wanted dinner with us, though, and we tucked into Chicken Kievs with mashed potatoes, asparagus and broccoli.

I had a severe dose of the January blues this evening. I'm back at work properly tomorrow (Sophie has another day off) and in at 8am. With the demise of our little cat, Christmas over and our Berlin trip behind us I felt a bit glum!

At least I have my Birthday to look forward to!

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