Monday 16 January 2023

Feeling a bit deflated...

I know I've said it before, but I really hate Monday mornings! Today it was cold, so I put the heating on for an hour before I left for work. It was lovely to get out of the shower and not shiver!

When I arrived at work, I immediately noticed that my front driver's side tyre was looking flat. I felt it and it was soft... I had no choice but to call Keith and tell him, but neither of us knew where the air pump was. Sophie called him and said it wasn't in her car, but he came out and decided he'd try and change it and put the emergency wheel on.

I went out into the car park with him, and it was bitterly cold. He had terrible trouble trying to unlock the wheel nuts and in the end, he had to admit defeat. Jo arrived while we were out in the car park, and our new member of staff, Shirley. 

Just after I'd started taking calls, Keith arrived back and he'd found the air pump. He inflated the tyre and took my car home, leaving me with my Dad's car. This is the second time this has happened in the car park, with both tyres on the driver's side, so it's strange.

Work was busy first thing, and Shirley was training with Jo all day. She looked a bit bemused by the number of calls we took and the variety of enquiries. I do wonder how she'll adapt, as we all found the job hard going at first until we got used to it!

It snowed off and on throughout the day and it's been very cold. Tomorrow is set to be even chillier! Brrr! I sped home at 4pm, and Keith said the tyre had remained inflated all day, which was weird. If it was a slow puncture, surely it would have gone down a bit?

Dinner tonight was a nice easy Pan Haggerty with corned beef, onions and potatoes served with peas. Delicious and perfect for a cold winter's night!

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