Saturday 7 January 2023

Plans changed.

Today dawned windy and rainy, so a plan to go to Stamford was shelved until the weather improved! I had a bit of a lie-in and enjoyed a coffee while catching up with A New Life in the Sun! A perfect start to a lazyish Saturday.

Sophie went to the gym to take part in two yoga classes, and I sorted out mounds of washing. We had no choice but to use the tumble dryer as outside it was pouring! While Sophie was at the gym I prepared the vegetables and chicken for our meal this evening and pottered about doing jobs.

In the afternoon I started writing up a holiday diary from 1984 when I went to Italy with my parents and a friend called Suzanne. We were 16 and had a great time in the resort of Forte Dei Marmi. The holiday company we used then is still in business, and with the aid of Google maps, I could look at the street we stayed on and walk down to the beach. Ahh! Memories!

Sophie and I played Scrabble early this evening and sipped cocktails - a Dark and Stormy for my daughter, and a lovely Martini for me. As I hadn't eaten much today (just scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast) I felt pleasantly tipsy!

Sophie cooked dinner this evening - chicken fried rice - and the meal was delicious as always. It's such an easy dish to make, and I always think that rice dishes are very comforting, especially when the weather outside is so horrible!

Our film choice for tonight was Operation Mincemeat, which was fascinating!

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