Tuesday 17 January 2023

A chilly start.

It was -5c driving into work this morning, but we didn't have any more snow overnight, just a hard frost. I took my Dad's car today while Keith kept an eye on my car. The tyre is still fine, so we're both a bit confused as to why it would suddenly deflate. I kept a close eye on the road as I drove in, in case I missed something yesterday and hit a hole or something?

Shirley came back for some more today and started taking calls at lunchtime. I had the rest of the films to input and other admin jobs, but I was glad when it was 4pm and I could head home. Keith and I indulged in a recorded programme of Vera which we both enjoyed. Watching it at 8pm after dinner makes my eyes droop, so it was good to see it before we cooked dinner.

I say we, but Sophie cooked a delicious meal of stuffed chicken wrapped in parma ham, served with crushed new potatoes and veggies. She made a very good job of it indeed!

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