Friday 25 March 2022

Not feeling 100%!

I woke up this morning feeling pretty horrible and with a definite cough. It was a shock to receive a WhatsApp message from Denise, who I worked with yesterday, to say she'd tested positive this morning...

I immediately took a test, that was negative, so I went to work even though I really didn't feel well. However, I dosed myself up with paracetamol and managed to get through my eight-hour shift. I was so glad when it was 4pm and I could go home!

I drove Keith to the pub and between us, Sophie and I cooked dinner, but I still felt unwell, like I was developing a full-blown cold. I hadn't had much contact with Denise yesterday but Sue had said her husband was also unwell, and his test showed a faint line, which I said was positive! Oh blimey!

Thank goodness it's the weekend! 

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