Sunday 27 March 2022

Celebrating Mums!

Mothering Sunday dawned grey and misty and a lot chillier, and the sun never really showed its face until the late afternoon. I had called my Mum yesterday to say I couldn't see her today, but she was feeling a bit unwell herself, so I doubt we would have had a good day anyway.

I still needed to get her a card so Keith and I went over to Tesco first thing and he went in to get one for me, as well as a gift bag. In the car, we had the window open and he wore two masks! A bit like bolting the door after the horse had escaped!

I wrote out the card and he took the gifts into the care home for me. It was then home, to potter about and wait for Sophie to text me to say she was on her way back from London.

My sense of smell and taste disappeared today, which was a pain, but probably because I was so stuffed up! Sophie caught the train home but we had to collect her from Milton Keynes as there were no trains running to Northampton. Keith came with me but he has developed a dry cough as well, so I think it's only a matter of time. When I recorded my positive results, I was offered anti-viral drugs as I'm over 50, so if he does get it, I'm going to make sure he gets them. I'm so glad he had his pneumonia jab recently!

Sophie had had a great time in London and had enjoyed the boat trip even though it was only for about half an hour. She had bought me a lovely bunch of daffodils, and Zain had given her some beautiful toiletries from his stint at Unilever so that was wonderful! Her card was also lovely and featured us on the front and a game of Scrabble!

Neither of us felt like playing the game this evening and there was no point in Sophie making us lovely cocktails as I couldn't taste anything. We sat and watched the Grand Prix and I took another test. I think the results speak for themselves...

The line was a lot stronger than yesterday so there's no chance of me going to work tomorrow, even though, legally, I don't have to isolate. However, Kathy, who I work with, has asthma and I'd never forgive myself if I gave it to her knowing I was contagious. So, I've done over four years at work with no sickness days to having multiple ones this month... And I thought that 2022 was going to be a better year...

We had planned on having a light supper tonight of pate, toast and salad, but Sophie was hungry (we thought she was having lunch out today) so we ordered a Chinese takeaway. I couldn't taste any of it, sadly!

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