Friday 4 March 2022

Disturbing news...

As usual, I was glad it was Friday and the last morning for getting up early! The news this morning was full of how Russia had decided it would be a good idea to hit the largest nuclear power plant in Europe... wonderful! As if we had learned nothing from Chernobyl!

Work was ok today, but we were very busy for the first hour on the phones, and our MD was lurking in the office all day, which was a pain! I managed to answer a lot of the customer service emails in between calls, and process several orders, so the time sped by! At five minutes to 4pm, we still had five calls waiting and Kathy gamely carried on while I finished some jobs I had to do. I think people now try and call us before 4pm as the calls ratchet right up at about 3.30pm!

It was heaven to go home and relax. Keith didn't go to the pub tonight and cooked dinner, which was a bonus. After watching the news headlines (Russia have taken control of the nuclear power plant) Sophie and I decided to put on Runaway Bride, which was fine with me. Richard Gere is the most gorgeous man!

Hooray! It's the weekend!

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