Tuesday 1 September 2020

Autumn beckons

I was in at work at 8am today and we were hoping for a quieter day, but it was not to be. Sara had asked if I could do some extra hours this week and we agreed that I would tag two hours on to my working day Tuesday to Thursday and an extra hour on Friday. I really do like to finish a bit early at the end of the week!

The phones were even busier than yesterday with the longest interval between calls barely a minute. I had my fair share of moany people, so that wasn't pleasant! Over the weekend and yesterday we'd had work done on our computer system and it was playing up today so I abandoned the box office returns. I am only thankful we are putting just one film on a day otherwise I would have been in trouble!

It felt like we were all drowning in work today as we had 200 emails in the inbox, well over 200 calls when I left at 4pm (plus over 70 abandoned ones) and it had been a really stressful day. And no doubt, we'll have more of the same tomorrow!

Keith picked me up at 4pm and it looked like it had been a gorgeous Autumnal day. Sophie and I went for a walk when she finished work and we walked through the fields to Old and back along the road. We went to see the horses, but they weren't interested so we did a lap of the estate and then home.

Dinner tonight was beef stroganoff (originally planned for Sunday) and I helped Keith in the kitchen. It was delicious, as ever. Afterwards Sophie and I watched a film called Submission starring Stanley Tucci about a college professor having an affair with a student. It was an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back!

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