Thursday 17 September 2020

A trek into Leicestershire.

 Keith picked me up at 2pm today, we went to get Mike, and then we drove to Whetstone in Leicestershire to pick up some boxes from the removals company.

It's been another gorgeous Autumnal day with plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures. We set Google maps to show us the way and decided to take the country route via Market Harborough. After the town, we were directed onto small lanes and then through housing estates, so I had no idea of where we were!

We eventually arrived at the industrial estate to find the way blocked by a gate so we had to do another lap of the area and this time go into the main entrance. The guard on the gate told us where to go but we still managed to get lost and had to ask a man where the warehouse was!

The staff were very friendly and directed us around to the front of the warehouse to retrieve loads of boxes. Inside we glimpsed huge wooden crates stacked up, no doubt full of furniture from people's houses. I never thought my parents' possessions would end up here.

We filled the boot of my car with flat-packed boxes and headed home, this time via the M1 and the A14 - it was a lot quicker! We went straight to my Mum and Dad's house and deposited all the boxes there, ready for when we go over at the weekend.

Back home, via our own scenic route, Sophie was busy making lunches for work the next day and preparing our dinner of chicken and chestnut risotto. She did the whole thing herself, bless her, and it was delicious! The meal had a lovely earthy quality, probably from the chestnuts and I can't ever remember eating them before so it was good to have a change!

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