Thursday 3 September 2020

Almost Friday!

I was back in at work at 8am this morning and it felt like I'd barely left! Sara had asked another staff member to work today to cover my morning shift so I could concentrate on the emails, and we had 199 in the inbox first thing!

It was great to be off the phones and after a slow start it became very busy again. Sara and I dealt with the emails and when I left to go home at 4pm they were down to 124, even though more had been coming in during the day. I am hoping that one day this will all be a distant memory!

After a morning of rain (and the roads were flooded again) we had a sunny afternoon and a lovely evening. I gave Sophie a lift to the beauty salon in town and spent a very pleasant half hour reading the paper in my car and looking at the beautiful sky.

Back home while Sophie cooked a truly delicious paella, Keith and I played cards in the conservatory! After we'd eaten we indulged in another episode of The Bridge... Kim Bodnia is scrumptious!

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