Friday 11 September 2020

Changing plans

I was mightily glad that today was Friday - not that I'm wishing my life away, you understand! Thankfully, it was a lot quieter today with nice comfortable gaps between calls which meant I could do some catching up!

We had a minute's silence at 8.46am in remembrance of 9/11 19 years ago - how the time has flown by. The rest of the morning was very pleasant and went by quickly as I was so busy, and it's been the best day we've had in ages. I was straight out of the door at 2pm to go and get Mike from work with Keith. He had been shopping today so the cupboards were no longer bare! 

We had to wait a while for Mike who was in a bad mood with his boss and I was just glad that he now finishes at 2.30pm and not 3.30pm because we had arranged to go and see the kitchen designer at Howdens at 4pm.

We took Mike home and I changed out of my uniform to go over to Kettering. When we arrived we weren't that impressed... the building was small and very cluttered and when Georgia came to see us she hadn't got a copy of our design. I hadn't thought to print a copy myself - I just assumed she would have it on the computer like Magnet.

We went upstairs to a dingy room that held samples of cupboards and worktops and we had a good look and feel of the Chilcombe design we'd chosen. I didn't like the shade of grey, though. It looked like a dirty white so we have swapped to Tewkesbury in the slate grey which makes more of a statement! We tweaked the design slightly as we only want two bar stools at the island and chose a marble-effect worktop, which will hopefully make the kitchen lighter.

Georgia said she would send us a copy of the updated design and she would also send over the names of some builders for us to contact. Once that was done she could give us a price.

We went home to find Abbie had arrived and Keith decided to walk down to the pub this evening as it was dry and sunny. Sophie and I uncorked a bottle of Prosecco this evening but we didn't watch a film as Sophie was cooking dinner, bless her - one of her favourites, the Gino D'Acampo sausage pasta dish. We had used conchiglie pasta instead of the usual orecchiette variety and she busied herself chopping vegetables and de-skinning the sausages.

It turned out to be delicious and easily the best she had ever made. There's enough left over for lunch tomorrow!

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