Saturday 12 September 2020

Sorting out...

Poor Mike was working this morning and Keith took him in at 5am. It's now dark at this ungodly hour and I'm not overly happy about Mike being on his own with dangerous machinery!

We had an appointment at 9.30am for a kitchen fitter/designer to come to the house and measure up. He was running late and arrived just after Keith left to collect Mike from work. I had tidied up because this was a meeting with a bespoke carpenter and I wanted to make a good impression!

He arrived late (but had called to let me know) and seemed to be in a tearing hurry. I made him a coffee and he measured both rooms but didn't really seem interested in what we were looking for. It will be very interesting to see both the design he comes up with and the quote!

Once he had gone it was time for breakfast of crumpets and coffee and then Sophie and I left to go to Mum and Dad's house. I wanted to search through the correspondence from when they bought their house because I'd had a worrying email yesterday from the solicitors about restrictive covenants and documents missing from when they bought the house back in 2016. They said that if the paperwork couldn't be found then we'd have to take out indemnity insurance which would cost about £200 - not a huge amount but just another little snag to contend with!

Sophie started wrapping up all the china and figurines they had while I went through the documents and found a folder for their solicitor which I decided to take home with me. I felt horrible going through all my Mum and Dad's things but we've got to make a start soon and stop being in denial.

We worked until 2pm and I cleared out the fridge and their cupboards and cleaned as much as I could. I also took him some of the pots in the garden and a metal pheasant that can come and stay with us.

As I was putting things into the car one of the neighbours walked past and we had a chat about my parents and what had happened. I also asked her about the documents and whether there had been a CD with information about the sale when she had moved in. She promised me she would look so that's all I can do at the moment.

Sophie and I went home and she wrapped up a dress that she had sold on the internet. We discovered that there were no post offices open anywhere so we had to resort to sending it via Hermes which could be done at the shop in Mawsley.

By now we were both peckish so we heated up the pasta from yesterday and I had a good look at all the paperwork from the solicitor. I think I may have found what they're looking for, and maybe I really should have used the solicitors we've been dealing with for years, but he can be very expensive! I fired off a quick email to the woman who wrote to me on Friday saying I would take everything over on Monday when I'd finished work.

It's been a gorgeous day today and I seem to have spent most of it cooped up inside! Sophie and I went to Mawsley but once we were there she realised she'd forgotten her dratted mask so we had to go all the way home!

We did have an ice-cream to compensate and ate it in the car park while enjoying the sun! Back home it was time for a spot of relaxation after Sophie had prepared the vegetables for dinner. We had decided to cook the Hairy Bikers' steak in gravy served with our own homemade fries but Mike ducked out saying he'd eaten too much at lunchtime with Abbie, at Nando's of all places!

Dinner was lovely and the chips delicious and crispy!

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