Sunday 27 September 2020

More progress made...

 We've had another very busy day trying to restore order to the house, and sort out the various boxes and bags! Keith went into the garage and managed to clear a lot of space, and as soon as he was able, he popped to Aldi to get food for dinner tonight. Our shopping regime has been sorely disrupted!

When he returned, we went to the tip with a load of stuff from our garage, including an old weights bench that I've been trying to get rid of for years! I sorted out the shelves and stored everything away tidily so we were pleased with the progress we made.

Inside, I sorted out Mum and Dad's paperwork and put it all into folders in a small filing cabinet they have. This will make it easier when I have to contact all the various companies to end services or subscriptions next week. We also managed to take one of our old and tatty leather sofas out to the garage and put one of the new ones in its place. The conservatory will be lovely and cosy when they're both in!

Bit by bit we were beginning to restore order, and Keith and I made another trip to the tip with more stuff we didn't need any more. Why we kept some of it, I'll never know! My poor car was in a right state from all the rubbish so I hoovered the boot and used some upholstery cleaner on the front passenger seat that had chocolate smeared all over it. Another irritation from the last few days!

Sophie had a video chat with Daisy and Laura in the afternoon and Mike called from Euston to say he was on the train and heading home. Keith and I went down to pick him up from the station, and while Keith had a bath I prepared dinner of roast chicken. We had decided to buy ready cooked chickens and just do some roast potatoes with them, bubble and squeak from last night's veggies and some ready-cooked Yorkshire puddings. When that had all been done it was my turn to soak in the bath, which was much-needed as I ached all over!

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