Monday 7 September 2020

Still busy!

We were all hoping that this week things would be quieter at work, but it was not to be. Even though we had Denise working it was still horribly busy and the calls were non-stop. We are now getting far more complaints that we used to, with people annoyed about swimming lessons (and the lack of communication) and memberships in general.

I worked until 2pm as I needed to get home and sort out the paperwork for the solicitor. I called the office and went through the points I could answer but had to leave some of the questions I couldn't. Keith and I then went to the post office to send everything back and popped to Mum and Dad's house to try and change an appointment for the following day. A new smart meter was being installed but when I called the company to say nobody would be at the house, they couldn't cancel as I wasn't named on the account. I told the woman on the phone that the engineer would make a wasted journey then! How silly!

Feeling annoyed because we'd wasted our time going to the house we headed home and Keith prepared the dinner which was the roast beef we should have had yesterday. Sophie and I sipped a glass of red wine while he cooked and I thought of how lovely it would be if we had the new kitchen and we could sit with him while he worked.

Dinner was delicious and we made sure there was enough left over for bubble and squeak tomorrow. Mike was at Abbie's as it was her birthday today and they returned at 9pm. It was great to have a chat with them before they headed upstairs and Abbie had had a lovely day.

Today hasn't been particularly pleasant so I'm hoping that tomorrow will be better!

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