Monday 10 June 2019

Wash out, Part 2!

The rain started when I was taking Mike to work and then it lashed it down for the rest of the day, without stop. We don't often get continuous rainfall (despite our reputation for bad weather!) but today was an exception. I think it's due to a storm coming from Spain?

I was training a new girl at work today and after half an hour of her listening to me answer the phones, we let her loose on them. The idea was for me to come off and give her help whenever she needed it, but the other girl we were working with today, had to dash off to another of the centres as there'd been a problem there.

It was a relief to finally get out and I sped home to collect Keith who came to Tesco with me. We also paid some piggy bank money into Mike's account and with some change from is wallet, the amount was just over £20! Not bad for an accumulation of copper and 5p pieces!

It carried on raining for the rest of the day and this is set to continue all week. Tomorrow we have to be up early as Sophie is off to London with her manager...and she's out again on Wednesday and Thursday!

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