Sunday 9 June 2019


Today has been far better weather wise and although it's been cloudy we have actually seen the sun! Keith and I popped over to Tesco first thing, to get some stuff in the supermarket and to fill up Sophie's car with petrol.

By the time we got home and made some toast, Sophie was an hour away so we jumped into my car and drove to Luton. We arrived just as they did and I called my daughter to say we were stuck in traffic on the perimeter of the airport. As we were collecting them from arrivals, we went into the multi-storey to park and had to go right up to the 4th floor! There were very few spaces!

There is a lot of building work going on at Luton at the moment and the place is total chaos. When we parked the car there were no signs to the terminal so we went down a flight of stone steps that had marvellous views over the runways. At the bottom, we looked for signs but in the end followed a couple of people in the right direction. We found a lift and all piled in for nothing to happen. The terminal was on the 2nd floor, but after pressing and pressing the button to go up, we abandoned the lift and went up the two flights of stairs. When we emerged onto another level, the sign said the terminal was back down at ground zero!

We stomped back downstairs and finally arrived at the hugely busy airport where taxis and buses were offloading crowds of people. We found our way to arrivals and after about ten minutes, Sophie and Alice appeared looking a bit fed up. They'd had a group of excitable Spanish schoolchildren on the plane so it hadn't been very relaxing!

We walked back to the car and thankfully the lifts were working. Very soon we were back in the car and driving back home and listening to the girls tell us about their trip.

Alice had a sandwich with us and then left to go home to Leeds, and when she'd left Sophie gave us some fantastic gifts she'd brought home with her. We had two bottles of red wine, truffle oil, various spices, chocolate and another "Eye" key ring as she thought I had lost the one I'd bought in Carmel. She had also brought home a tile with a black cat on it which will look lovely on the wall in the conservatory. Keith was treated to a tee-shirt and Mike had an ashtray, a lighter and some chocolate. I think we all did very well indeed!

Afterwards Sophie and I popped back over to Tesco because I had forgotten to get a Birthday card this morning when we went to Tesco. She'd asked me to get one for Laura and it had slipped my mind. By now it was quite sultry and after a quick dash to the supermarket we returned home to relax.

We were glad the weather had brightened up as we barbecued in the evening and the burgers and pork steaks were delicious!

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