Tuesday 11 June 2019

Frustrating delays!

Sophie had to be at her manager's house at 6am this morning so I said I'd take her while Keith got Mike up for work. The weather was terrible, with torrential rain and winds, and driving on the A14 was not pleasant.

We arrived at her manager's house and I managed to get a space a little way away and after a few minutes, Sophie went and rang the bell. I turned the car around and parked opposite and I waited until the door opened. However, nobody answered and Sophie stood on the doorstep getting soaked to the skin. She stayed there for a little while longer until I waved her back to the car and put the heating on to try and dry her out. Her hair was completely wet!

She tried again but had to wait another five minutes before anyone answered, and I found out that her manager hadn't set her alarm properly! I was now late and my plan to take Mike to work after showering and getting ready was abandoned and Keith had to take him! What a horrible start to the day!

It was definitely one of those days today and little things kept going wrong! I was glad to get out at 2pm, drive home and collect Keith. We popped to the post office in Brixworth and then went to collect our son who was drenched through and very muddy! My car now needs a really deep clean!

In the evening I relaxed for half an hour before going back out to get Sophie at 7pm. Keith stayed behind to cook the dinner and it was heaven to finally get home and enjoy our chilli!

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