Wednesday 12 June 2019

Day off?

Although today was my day off I was awake at 4.30am and despite trying to go back to sleep, I was still up when Sophie came in to get me up. Today she was off to a prison in Henley on Thames and had to be at her manager's house at 6.15am. I dropped her off again while Keith stayed behind with Mike and this time her manager was ready!

I returned home and stayed there while Keith took Mike. I did get a bit of a fright when Mike texted me to say there'd been an accident on the M40 (the route I thought Sophie was taking) but she and her manager had gone on a completely different road. This morning was bad to be travelling as there were multiple accidents on the M40 and problems on other roads. It probably didn't help that the weather was wet again!

Keith and I popped over to Tesco this morning and also went to Timpson's as Sophie had cracked the screen of her ipad on her way home from Valencia. It could be fixed for the grand sum of £125 so we left it at the shop and arranged to pick it up next week.

On the way to see Mum and Dad we called into a tile showroom and had a look at the beautiful displays. They were more than we wanted to pay but the man said he could maybe do us a deal, so it was worth thinking about.

Mum and Dad were OK, but my Mum has had her medication changed and it had made her feel a little nauseous, so we didn't stay. By now half the day was over and there were things I wanted to do at home. We did contemplate going out somewhere but the weather was horrible so we mooched about at home instead. I did some research on my family tree and discovered that some more of my family had had to go into the workhouse for a short while. They were described as "destitute."

Keith and I went to get Mike at 3pm and luckily Sophie's manager brought her home so that was one less journey to make!

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