Friday 7 June 2019

So glad it's Friday!

I slept a lot better last night (I curled up on the sofa with Monty and fell asleep at 9pm!) so I felt great this morning. After taking Mike to work I bought a Costa coffee and a newspaper from the Tesco petrol station and sat in my car for fifteen minutes. I've been going into work at 7.30am regularly but I certainly haven't been getting paid for it or even had the extra time acknowledged, so I thought I would have a later start today!

Work was busy and at 2pm I drove down to get Mike. We've had a yellow weather warning out for heavy rain and thunderstorms today and although the rain was a little heavy at times, I don't think it warranted a warning!

When I got home I packaged up a playsuit that Sophie had sold on eBay and Keith and I sloshed over to Brixworth to post it. Back home I mooched about and missed my daughter as it's Wine Night tonight and my drinking buddy is far away! She did message me, though, and we had a good chat so that was some consolation!

Keith asked for a lift to the pub and back again as the weather was so dodgy and I prepared dinner of fish and chips. We watched an episode of the excellent Code 37: Sex Crimes and then had a relatively early night. Sophie messaged me to say she was up for a late night so no doubt she was off to enjoy cocktails, lucky thing!

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