Sunday 16 June 2019

Celebrating Dads!

This morning dawned a little brighter, but unfortunately we were lulled into a false sense of security as the showers started up earnest!

Mum and Dad were coming over for lunch because today is Father's Day and Keith was very pleased with his gifts from the children. Sophie and cleaned the downstairs of the house and prepared lunch at we drove over to get them at 1pm so my Dad could have a couple of glasses of wine.

We enjoyed a lovely meal of our favourite - salad, cold meats and quiche served with new potatoes - and had a good chat. Outside we had sunshine and showers and I really felt sorry for anyone who had arranged a barbecue or outdoor party today.

Dad looked a bit tired after the meal so Sophie and I took my parents home and returned to relax. I fell asleep for half an hour and it was great to wake up knowing we didn't have to cook tonight! We enjoyed a glass of wine and watched a very interesting film called Searching about a father's desperate hunt for his daughter when she goes missing.

This weekend has been great but it's passed by too quickly!

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