Saturday 29 June 2019

The heat is on!

It was lovely to have a lazy start to the weekend and I had a bit of a lie-in after our late night! The weather is set to be very hot today, maybe the hottest of the year so far, so all plans to do housework and gardening were put off until tomorrow!

At lunchtime, Sophie and I went to Beckworth as she is out tonight with Daisy and Laura and she needed to get birthday gifts. We had lunch there and sat in the sunny garden. Amazingly, there was no queue! While we chose from the menu we were entertained by a flying display going on from the nearby Sywell Airport. I think they were "The Blades" who put on aerobatic performances. They were swooping very low over Beckworth and streaming different coloured smoke behind them!

Sophie enjoyed a pulled pork panini while I chose a chicken wrap. Both dishes were delicious and came with coleslaw and chunky chips. We also indulged in a glass of wine...bliss!

Afterwards, Sophie picked out a Gin glass, small bottle of Gin and some other little gifts for Daisy and we returned home. By now it was registering about 29c and when we ventured out to the gym at 3pm, it was up to 33c! Sophie had a beauty treatment but was only in there for about half an hour so I sat in the car and read my Kindle. The gym was virtually empty and I expect most people were staying at home in their gardens!

On the way home the temperature in my car briefly registered 35c, the highest I've ever seen! As soon as we got back Sophie went to get ready and I didn't envy her in this heat! We put Monty on the sofa and trained our fan on him which he seemed to like as he curled up and went to sleep.

Keith and I took Sophie into town at 6pm and she looked gorgeous in a little playsuit with high heels. She's been putting a gradual tan on and she looked lovely and brown! We dropped her off at Rev's and returned home to sit in the garden. Mike joined us for a drink but then went out so it was just the two of us for a barbecue dinner. As always when the children are out, the house was so quiet!

I fell asleep in the evening but at 11.30pm we left to go into town to collect Sophie and Daisy. We sat outside Rev's again and watched the doormen weed out those who didn't have any ID and gape at the outfits of some of the women going into the clubs. Most of them wore tiny outfits but had trainers on!

Sophie and Daisy were merry and chatted happily all the way home. It's been our second late night...woohoo!

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