Tuesday 20 February 2018

Winter continues...

This morning we dropped Mike off at college and then drove over to Mum's for a coffee. Well, Sophie drove and did very well on the busy and pot-holed A43! Our roads are really suffering at the moment - there are deep potholes everywhere - and the cold weather continues, with next week expected to be even colder. We're due to be blasted by cold air from Siberia! The winter is not over yet even though next Wednesday is the first day of the meteorological Spring! It can't come soon enough for me!

We had a coffee with my Mum and then we went to Tesco where we did some shopping for Tuesday and Wednesday nights before Sophie filled little ET up with petrol. It was then back home to catch up with jobs and I even managed to write some more of my poor neglected novel!

After-school club was OK and we were all finished by 6pm. We enjoyed beef casserole for dinner and it was great afterwards to curl up on the sofa and watch James Martin's American Adventure. Some of his recipes were a little too fishy for my liking but it makes for very enjoyable viewing!

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