Monday 5 February 2018

Manic Monday!

I drove myself to work this morning as Keith had to get Mike up and off to college. We were very busy with phone calls throughout my session and the time passed quickly. Some of my after-school club children were in the main hall doing a gymnastics competition so I waved to them before I left for home.

We only had five children in the afternoon and Lisa was in a bad mood because the numbers were so low. It doesn't bother me at all as the ones we had in were a bit older and therefore more sensible. It would have been a great afternoon to take them out for a walk in the village. I took out some paints and craft stuff and the children made cards or painted pictures. Apparently they're not allowed to make Valentine's cards...whyever not?

After they'd made a big mess the children played outside for a while as it was dry and sunny and then Lisa put a film on. By 5.45pm we were all done and I headed home to relax for a while before dinner of Spaghetti Bolognese. I started to feel cold again and just hoped that I wasn't coming down with a bad cold...or even the flu!

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