Monday 12 February 2018

Half term madness!

I was back at work this morning but at least I didn't have to rush home at 2pm and start work again at 3pm!

We were very busy due to the half-term, and there were three of us manning the almost constant phone calls. It was a relief to escape at 2pm, pop over to the Weston Favell Centre to collect Sophie's glasses and go home for a late lunch. Keith and I even sat and watched some television, something we hardly ever do. Both Sophie and Mike were working today and Sophie phoned us towards the end of the day, a bit upset about her wages as one of the more senior staff had rejected a claim she'd made for overtime. I hate hearing her upset on the phone and I was absolutely livid. It was a good job that Sophie stopped me as I was all ready to give the woman a piece of my mind when I picked her up from work at 6pm!

It was lovely to sit and sip a glass of wine in the evening and look forward to our spa day tomorrow!

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