Thursday 8 February 2018

More worries!

Mike had an Orthodontist appointment this morning so he came with us to work. Keith dropped me off and then went to get some diesel for my car before taking Mike who had put his retainers in just before we left even though he hadn't been wearing them for ages!

Work was pleasant enough and the phone calls were nicely spaced, for a change! Keith picked me up at 2pm and we popped to the doctor's to pick up a prescription before going home. He also went to the surgery yesterday as he's been having a problem with his neck and the doctor prescribed some co-codamol. Unfortunately, his blood pressure was on the high side again which was a bit alarming but I'm sure it's down to being in the surgery and worrying. We have a blood pressure monitor at home so he's going to start using that again.

The after-school club was very busy as we had almost twenty children! We took them out into the playground and after snack we also managed to get back out, which was a bonus. After I'd cleared away and washed up I went out to discover that most of them had gone home!

At 6pm I sped off to help Sophie prepare dinner of Beef Tacos and I couldn't resist opening a bottle of my Ravenswood Old Vine Zinfandel. We haven't had a drink all week, but I just fancied a glass of red tonight!

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