Wednesday 7 February 2018

The singing robin

Today dawned beautiful, but very cold. I felt a little better and went to the doctor's with Sophie as she had an appointment about her eye problem. The doctor took her blood pressure which was perfect and then asked for a urine sample! Sophie took it to the loo but couldn't do anything, poor thing, so we took the bottle home with us to return later!

We went over to the Weston Favell centre and had a coffee at Costa. I don't know whether there's something wrong with my taste buds at the moment but coffee tastes bitter to me and for the first time I didn't enjoy my Flat White like I normally do. We popped into Wilco's and I bought some more bird food and a new broom. Now I just need a dry, sunny and mild weekend to use it!

Back home I went out into the garden to feed the birds and the robin came to say hello. I held out some food on my hand in an attempt to get him to feed from me, but although he didn't fly away, he was still a bit wary. He did sing a lovely song, though, and it was lovely to stand out in the garden for a little while and see the gorgeous blue sky.

At after-school club the hall was dominated by a collapsed bouncy castle as the children had been doing sponsored bounces all afternoon. We went out into the playground while it was removed and had a chat about getting some new toys. We bring out the same old things every afternoon and I really think we need some new activities to keep the children amused!

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