Tuesday 26 December 2017

Boxing Day relaxation!

We've had a very lazy day today with plenty of lounging about and doing not much at all! Mike was working today so we dropped him off at midday and went home to have a late breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast.

I'm quite pleased that we haven't thrown that much food away this Christmas. All of the vegetables from yesterday's meal will be turned into bubble and squeak tonight and we've saved the leftover chipolata sausages and Yorkshire puddings. All I threw away (or put into our food caddy) was scrapings off the plates of uneaten veggies. The uneaten scrapings of potatoes, stuffing and parsnips went into the garden for the birds who certainly appreciated the feast!

At about 3.30pm Sophie and I went for a walk with Monty to see the horses, only they were nowhere in sight, so it was a good job we didn't take any carrots for them! We met a neighbour with his dog and had a chat before walking around the estate to see what was going on...not a lot to be honest!

Mike was ready to be picked up at about 5pm so it was home to relax with a drink and my Kindle while Sophie watched Jurassic World. Dinner tonight was cold turkey and bubble and squeak accompanied by the warmed-through sausages and puddings. Delicious!

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