Thursday 21 December 2017

A horrible start to my day!

It was horrible to have to get up early this morning and we had a bad start to the day as we were woken by Mike blundering about in our bedroom at 3am looking for the loo...

I also hate getting straight up and showering rather than going downstairs and easing myself into the day like I normally do, even if it's only for half an hour. I was grumpy and irritable! Keith drove me into work and we met Lynda in the car park. She must be keen!

Cacklehead appeared this morning and started shouting and swearing about the state of the office. As I was really busy answering calls due to the online booking system being down, it was very annoying! It was non-stop until I left and it was great to not have to go to school at 3pm. We drove over to Mum and Dad's house in the grey gloom. The sun has not appeared all day, so it's been very dull and dismal.

We enjoyed a cup of tea at Mum's and chatted about Christmas. Keith had been shopping this morning and had picked up our turkey and it was a bit smaller than we were expecting. It will certainly feed all six of us on Christmas Day but there might not be that much left over for a cold supper on Boxing Day and a curry the day after!

Back home we awaited a call from Mike who was working, and as soon as we'd picked him up and returned home, I had a bath and fell asleep in it! I was totally shattered! So much so that I was in bed at 9.15pm! Roll on tomorrow when I finish at 2pm!

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