Friday 15 December 2017

A somewhat trying day!

My alarm woke me at 6.30am this morning - never a good sign! It was a very cold and frosty start to the day and we had a quiet session at work, so it was a tad boring. We did have some busy patches with complicated queries and I just hope I don't get anything too difficult tomorrow!

The weather has been dry, sunny and cold but no more snow has been forecast for a while. Perhaps it's a good thing! I dashed home at 2pm, enjoyed a mince pie and a cup of tea and went to after school club for our last film night of the year. We were going to be watching Scooby Doo and the The Wonder Dog and I was quite looking forward to it!

Lisa had set the room up but the projector wouldn't work. She asked one of the dads who's very technical to come and look at it and he said the bulb needed replacing. I took the children out into the playground for half an hour and then we tried to watch the film on a television with an in-built DVD but it wouldn't work.

We had no option but to go ahead with the usual toys and games and we took some Lego out for the children to play with. By about 5.30pm we were all done and just about to set the alarm when the automatic door wouldn't close properly... it kept closing but bouncing back. Lisa called the caretaker who fiddled about with it for ages but eventually we managed to set the alarm and go. It was now past 6pm so I sped home for a bath, as tonight I was out for dinner with Lynda, Andrea and Fiona.

Sophie did my hair and I went to pick Keith up from the pub before leaving for the Whyte Melville in Boughton. I met Andrea and Fiona in the car park and we had a hug as I hadn't seen Andrea since July. Inside, we were shown to our table and we chatted as we waited for Lynda. I confessed to having to go to work in the morning which was why I was driving and not enjoying a glass of wine tonight.

Lynda arrived and looked very glamorous! There was a flurry of greetings and then we settled down to look at the menu. I chose the creamy mushrooms on toast followed by the Cajun chicken. We had a good night and Lynda showed us some photos of her men friends. I think Andrea was a little shocked by some of her tales but we were all glad she's having a good time in her sixties!

We finished the meal with desserts and cheese and biscuits and then at 11pm we went home. The bill had come to a whopping £155 (with only one bottle of wine) but I paid £35 as I hadn't imbibed! To be fair Andrea and Fiona had enjoyed Gin and tonics when they first arrived and a glass of Port each with dessert so I suppose it wasn't bad!

Lynda had also driven so she gave Andrea and Fiona a lift home and I said goodbye and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Back home I sat and relaxed with Sophie and Keith and then went to bed, not looking forward to getting up in the morning!

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