Saturday 23 December 2017

A spot of last minute shopping!

I did not think for one minute that I'd be going shopping today (same as last year) but after dropping Sophie off at work, Keith and I headed down to Homesense as I needed to get some stocking fillers for the children.

Luckily, as we were early, the place wasn't too packed but when we left half an hour later, it was starting to get busy. I didn't have much luck in Homesense, but I did find a couple of nice things for Sophie and some chocolates for Mike.

We then had no option but to go into town...on the Saturday before Christmas...arghhhh!

We parked in the Mayorhold and ended up on the fourth floor, previously alien territory for me! We took the lift down and stood with a woman and her two daughters who was as nervous as me. It was a tiny lift! We emerged and followed the signs to the Grosvenor Centre and Market Square and I was shocked by the state of the path leading to the town. If anyone had visited Northampton for the first time, their impression would be a terrible one! The surroundings were dingy, full of litter and graffiti and had a real air of menace about them. I dread to think what the place is like at night!

We went into Boots and I bought a couple of stocking fillers and then we made our way to HMV where we bought Mike three posters for his bedroom wall. I also bought some more tags (someone had helped themselves to the ones I'd bought earlier!) and we fled home! I suppose we got off a bit lightly!

Back home it was time for a Danish pastry and a cup of coffee before I caught up with little jobs around the house that I'd neglected since Wednesday. The weather today has been mild, grey and breezy but I think the sun did try and poke its heads through the clouds at one point.

Keith went to the football in the afternoon while I prepared a Chicken Chasseur dish and peeled all the vegetables. We will need to go out tomorrow and get more broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes!

I picked Sophie up from work at 6pm and it was home to try a new wine (from Duncan's) and enjoy our chicken dinner!

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