Monday 11 December 2017

An unexpected day off!

My manager at work, Sara, had texted me yesterday to say that I wasn't to worry about coming in today if the weather was still bad. Although we didn't get any more significant snow overnight it was freezing this morning and I didn't see that many cars venture out of our estate to go to work!

I was up at 6am and I really didn't fancy asking Keith to drive me in and then come all the way home, only to go back out again later. Mike's college was closed, as was Sophie's uni and the school I work in was also shut for the day so none of us had to go anywhere.

I did feel a bit guilty but the news was full of the weather conditions and how bad the roads were. We did go out to take Mike to Brixworth and I was surprised at how slushy and icy the roads were on the way and in the village itself.

I did manage to get some washing done and I hoovered so I didn't feel completely lazy! At 3pm the skies cleared and the sun came out so we decided to try and re-create a photo I'd taken in 2005 of Keith and the children at Pitsford...

Mike was 5 years old and Sophie was 9 so they've changed an awful lot since then. We couldn't actually get to this part of Pitsford at the country park was closed (everything was fine back in 2005!) so we parked some way from the Holcot car park and I took a photo...

It was a beautiful late afternoon but I could feel the cold seeping through my clothes. It's set to be about -6 here tonight!

It was great to get home and jump into a hot bath!

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