Monday 31 May 2021

Bank Holiday working...

I just knew, when I chose to have the first May Day Bank holiday off, that today would be glorious. The last one was wet and horrible, but today was expected to be the hottest of the year so far. Typical!

I went into work and completed my shift with Kathy, which was a bonus. There were only the two of us in the office, so at least it was quiet! However, the phones were not, and for the first part of the shift, we had non-stop calls about... you guessed it... swimming! We also had problems with classes, and the swimming pool at one of the centres had to be taken out of action because of a problem! We were even getting calls up until we left at 4pm asking if people could go swimming, and most of our leisure centres had closed!

I sped home, where Keith and Sophie had been clearing out the garage and had made two trips to the tip. The garage was looking a lot better! We are taking part in a garage sale on the 12 June and I wanted to make sure we had enough items to sell. I think we have!

Unfortunately, our washing machine stopped working today, and the timing couldn't have been worse! We cleaned out the filter, and I ran some descaling solution through the machine, but after a while, the drum stopped turning, and that was that! We are now in a horrible position as the kitchen refurbishment is due to be started in August when we will have a brand new washing machine, but we need ours to be working, or if that's not possible (or economically viable) we will have to try and get a secondhand one to tide us over!

As Sophie and I hadn't played Scrabble over the weekend, we had a game this evening with a cocktail, sitting in the gloriously sunny conservatory! I tried to cram as much enjoyment in as I could, after my day at work!

Keith barbecued in the evening, but Mike appeared just as we were sitting down to dinner and said that he'd already eaten. Great!

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