Wednesday 12 May 2021

Great news!

My Dad's car was having four new tyres fitted today so Keith and I stayed at home this morning to wait for the fitter to arrive. While we waited, we did the shopping list and I packaged up an item we'd sold on eBay.

By lunchtime, we were able to pop over to the post office in Brixworth, and as well as our sold item, I had a box of goodies to post for Sophie's boyfriend, including those delicious custard biscuits! Back home I hoovered out my car and pottered about doing lots of jobs, so it was another busy day!

Before going to get Mike I prepared all the veggies for our Mulligatawny soup this evening and packed a lot more in than the recipe called for - an onion, carrot, red pepper, celery, chillies and an apple. It smelt delicious while I was cooking it!

I don't often go and pick Mike up from work these days so it was great to go with Keith and watch the golfers while we waited. He's been working at the golf course for almost a year now - where has that year gone?

Sophie came home with the fantastic news that she'd been awarded a pay rise, and may even be promoted, which was brilliant! We were so proud of her! She'd asked me to put her bottle of Champagne in the fridge, which I was only too happy to do! We drank it and played a game of Scrabble before dinner to celebrate!

The soup went down very well and I served it with naan bread and soured cream. Delicious!

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