Tuesday 4 May 2021

A noisy shift...

I had heard, that over the weekend, we continued to be busy with phone calls, mostly about swimming. I can't tell you how glad I'll be when we no longer have to book people into sessions. It's driving us all mad!

It was very noisy in the office this morning, as there were lots of people in. We had some complicated calls early on with membership problems and confusion, which added to the farcical quality of the day! At one time I did think some of the calls I was receiving were prank calls, it was that bad!

It quietened down late morning, and I was able to try and put on some crash courses for the next half-term holiday. However, I spotted a problem and had to ask Sheila to sort it out. Normally, she does a lot of background work for me (technical stuff) so all I have to do is physically add the sessions to the system, but she hadn't had time, so we got into a bit of a pickle...

As always, it was a huge relief to finish at 4pm and head home. Keith had stripped the two-seater sofa of its cushions and feet, all ready for it to be collected and taken to the care home tomorrow. I spotted a mark where Monty had been lying so I had to deal with that!

We drove down to the station to pick up Mike who had been visiting Abbie this weekend in London. It's amazing to see the station car park so empty! Normally, at about 6pm it would be full of commuters' cars!

We headed home and Sophie and I caught up with what we'd been doing (she'd had a rough day as well) and I had a drink. I needed one this evening!

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